1993/09-1996/06 博士 陽明大學 藥理學研究所
1986/09-1993/06 醫學士 陽明大學 醫學系
1986/09-1993/06 醫學士 陽明大學 醫學系
2006/02- 教授兼所長 國立陽明大學 腦科學研究所
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2001/01-2006/01 所長 慈濟大學 神經科學研究所
2000/02-2006/01 教授 慈濟大學 神經科學研究所
1999/08-2001/03 住院醫師 慈濟醫院 神經內科
1999/08-2000/01 副教授 慈濟醫學暨人文社會學院 神經科學研究所
2000/02-2006/01 教授 慈濟大學 神經科學研究所
1999/08-2001/03 住院醫師 慈濟醫院 神經內科
1999/08-2000/01 副教授 慈濟醫學暨人文社會學院 神經科學研究所
1996/08-1999/07 副教授 陽明大學 醫學系 藥理學科
研究專長: 神經科學、電腦科學、生理學、資訊學、轉譯醫學、醫療儀器等 教學專長: 生理學、神經科學、睡眠醫學、自主神經學、論文寫作實務、微電腦於生物醫學的的應用等
中華民國十大傑出青年,國際青年商會中華民國總會,2004全國社會優秀青年代表,中國青年救國團,2001李國鼎青年研究獎,ACM 台北/台灣分會與中華民國資訊學會,2000王世濬院士青年研究獎,中華民國基礎神經科學學會,1999
研究計畫審查委員 國科會神經學門、運動學門、心理學門、工程學門、生理學門 台北市立聯合醫院、陽明附設醫院
期刊審查委員 擔任慈濟醫學雜誌、The Chinese Journal of Physiology、Clinical Science、Circulation、American Journal of Physiology、American、Journal of Cardiology等審查委員
期刊編輯委員 Clinical Science、Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis期刊編輯委員
期刊審查委員 擔任慈濟醫學雜誌、The Chinese Journal of Physiology、Clinical Science、Circulation、American Journal of Physiology、American、Journal of Cardiology等審查委員
期刊編輯委員 Clinical Science、Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis期刊編輯委員
顧問 工研院醫療器材中心
期刊論文 (*: Corresponding Author; †: Co-first Author)
- Kuo, T. B. J.*, and Chan, S. H. H. (1991) Power spectral analysis of systemic arterial pressure in the rat: correlation with pentobarbital anesthesia. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering 11:54-58
- Kuo, T. B. J., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1992) Extraction, discrimination and analysis of single-neuron signals by a personal-computer-based algorithm. Biological Signals 1:282-292
- Kuo, T. B. J., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1993) Continuous, on-line, real-time spectral analysis of systemic arterial pressure signals. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 264:H2208-H2213
- Kuo, T. B. J., Shyr, M. H., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1993) Simultaneous, continuous, on-line and real-time spectral analysis of multiple physiologic signals by a personal-computer-based algorithm. Biological Signals 2:45-56
- Shyr, M. H., Yang, C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Pan, W. H. T., Tan, P. P. C., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1993) Power spectral analysis of the electroencephalographic and hemodynamic correlates of propofol anesthesia in the rat: intravenous bolus administration. Neuroscience Letters 153:161-164
- Tan, P. P. C., Shyr, M. H., Yang, C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Pan, W. H. T., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1993) Power spectral analysis of the electroencephalographic and hemodynamic correlates of propofol anesthesia in the rat: intravenous infusion. Neuroscience Letters 160:205-208
- Tsai, H. F., Kuo, T. B. J., Chan, J. Y. H., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1994) Interaction between neuronal responses to nociception and hypertension in the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis of the rat. Neuroscience Letters 165:137-140
- Lee, B. P.*, Chen, H. F., Hsu, F. C., Kuo, T. B. J., and Yang, M. H. (1994) Effects of pulmonary air embolism on discharge of slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors. Journal of Applied Physiology 76:97-103
- Luoh, H. F., Kuo, T. B. J., Chan, S. H. H., and Pan, W. H. T.* (1994) Power spectral analysis of electroencephalographic desynchronization induced by cocaine in rats: correlation with microdialysis evaluation of dopaminergic neurotransmission at the medial prefrontal cortex. Synapse 16:29-35
- Chan, J. Y. H., Tsai, H. F., Kuo, T. B. J., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1994) Modulation by angiotensin III of nociception-related and arterial pressure-related neuronal responsiveness in the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis of the rat. Regulatory Peptides 50:247-257
- Lee, T. Y., Fu, M. J., Kuo, T. B. J., Lui, P. W., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1994) Power spectral analysis of electromyographic and systemic arterial pressure signals during fentanyl-induced muscular rigidity in the rat. British Journal of Anaesthesia 72:328-334
- Chang, A. Y. W., Kuo, T. B. J., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1994) Power spectral analysis of electroencephalographic desynchronization induced by cocaine in the rat. Neuroscience Letters 170:175-178
- Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Chan, S. H. H., and Chan, J. Y. H.* (1995) Neurobiology of central angiotensin III and dipsogenesis. Biological Signals 4:59-71
- Chang, C. C., Yang, M. W.*, Lin, S. M., Kuo, T. B. J., Chan, K. H., and Lin, C. Y. (1995) Power spectral analysis of systemic arterial pressure signals during open heart surgery. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi ( Taipei ) 55:421-426
- Yang, M. W., Kuo, T. B. J., Lin, S. M., Chan, K. H., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1995) Continuous, on-line, real-time spectral analysis of SAP signals during cardiopulmonary bypass. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 268:H2329-H2335
- Chang, A. Y. W., Kuo, T. B. J., Tsai, T. H., Chen, C. F., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1995) Power spectral analysis of electroencephalographic desynchronization induced by cocaine in rats: correlation with evaluation of noradrenergic neurotransmission at the medial prefrontal cortex. Synapse 21:149-157
- Yang, C. H., Shyr, M. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Tan, P. P. C., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1995) Effects of propofol on nociceptive response and power spectra of electroencephalographic and systemic arterial pressure signals in the rat: correlation with plasma concentration. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 275:1568-1574
- Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1996) Auto- and cross-spectral analysis of cardiovascular fluctuations during pentobarbital anesthesia in the rat. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 270:H575-H582
- Wang, H., Kuo, T. B. J., Chan, S. H. H., Tsai, T. H., Lee, T. Y., and Lui, P. W.* (1996) Spectral analysis of arterial pressure variability during induction of propofol anesthesia. Anesthesia and Analgesia 82:914-919
- Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., Chan, J. Y. H., Tsai, H. F., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1996) Further Characterization of Nociception-Related and Arterial Pressure-Related Neuronal Responses in the Nucleus Reticularis Gigantocellularis of the Rat. Journal of Biomedical Science 3:338-347
- Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1996) Transfer function analysis of ventilatory influence on systemic arterial pressure in the rat. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 271:H2108-H2115
- hang, A. Y. W., Kuo, T. B. J., Chan, J. Y. H., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1996) Concurrent elicitation of electroencephalographic desynchronization and penile erection by cocaine in the rat. Synapse 24:233-239
- Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1997) Selective activation of vasomotor component of SAP spectrum by nucleus reticularis ventrolateralis in rats. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 272:H485-H492
- Yien, H. W., Hseu, S. S., Lee, L. C., Kuo, T. B. J., Lee, T. Y., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1997) Spectral analysis of systemic arterial pressure and heart rate signals as a prognostic tool for the prediction of patient outcome in the intensive care unit. Critical Care Medicne 25:258-266
- Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1997) Functional characterization of caudal hypoglossal neurons by spectral patterns of neuronal discharges in the rat. Neuroscience 77:813-827
- Kuo, T. B. J., Yien, H. W., Hseu, S. S., Yang, C. C. H., Lin, Y. Y., Lee, L. C., and Chan, S. H. H.* (1997) Diminished vasomotor component of systemic arterial pressure signals and baroreflex in brain death. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 273:H1291-H1298
- Kuo, T. B. J., Chern, C. M., Sheng, W. Y., Wong, W. J., and Hu, H. H.* (1998) Frequency domain analysis of cerebral blood flow velocity and its correlation with arterial blood pressure. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 18:311-318
- ang, M. W., Kuo, T. B. J., Lin, S. M., and Chan, S. H. (1998) Power spectral analysis of arterial blood pressure after spinal anesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica 36:3-10
- Chou, C. L., Kao, N. T., Kuo, T. B. J., Liu, T. J., and Chan, R. C.* (1998) Heart rate variability as an assessment of acute rejection after heart transplantation. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi ( Taipei ) 61:561-567
- Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (1999) Assessment of cardiac sympathetic regulation by respiratory-related arterial pressure variability in the rat. Journal of Physiology 515:887-896
- Hu, H. H.*, Kuo, T. B. J., Wong, W. J., Luk, Y. O., Chern, C. M., Hsu, L. C., and Sheng, W. Y. (1999) Transfer function analysis of cerebral hemodynamics in patients with carotid stenosis. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 19:460-465
- Chern, C. M., Kuo, T. B. J., Sheng, W. Y., Wong, W. J., Luk, Y. O., Hsu, L. C., and Hu, H. H.* (1999) Spectral analysis of arterial blood pressure and cerebral blood flow velocity during supine rest and orthostasis. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 19:1136-1141
- Kuo, T. B. J.*, Lin, T., Yang, C. C. H., Li, C. L., Chen, C. F., and Chou, P. (1999) Effect of aging on gender differences in neural control of heart rate. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 277:H2233-H2239
- Kuo, T. B. J., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2000) Altered frequency characteristic of central vasomotor control in SHR. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 278:H201-H207
- Yang, C. C. H., Chao, T. C., Kuo, T. B. J., Yin, C. S., and Chen, H. I.* (2000) Preeclamptic pregnancy is associated with increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic control of HR. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 278:H1269-H1273
- Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2000) Impact of pulse pressure on the respiratory-related arterial pressure variability and its autonomic control in the rat. European Journal of Physiology 439:772-780
- Su, C. F.*, Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H., and Chen, H. I. (2000) Alternation of autonomic nervous functions and cardiovascular hemodynamics in severe head injury. Taiwan Critical Care Medicine 2:129-139
- hen, C. C., Chen, S. A., Tai, C. T., Kuo, T. B. J., Chang, M. S., and Prystowsky, E. N.* (2001) Hyperventilation facilitates induction of supraventricular tachycardia: a novel method and the possible mechanism. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 12:1242-1246
- Yang, T. F.*, Wong, T. T., Chang, K. P., Kwan, S. Y., Kuo, W. Y., Lee, Y. C., and Kuo, T. B. J. (2001) Power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability in children with epilepsy. Child's Nervous System 17:602-606
- Yang, T. F.*, Chan, R. C., Kao, C. L., Chiu, J. W., Liu, T. J., Kao, N. T., and Kuo, T. B. J. (2002) Power spectrum analysis of heart rate variability for cerebral palsy patients. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Reha
- ang, C. C. H., Lai, C. W., Lai, H. Y., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2002) Relationship between electroencephalogram slow-wave magnitude and heart rate variability during sleep in humans. Neuroscience Letters 329:213-216
- Kuo, T. B. J.*, and Yang, C. C. H. (2002) Sexual dimorphism in the complexity of cardiac pacemaker activity. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 283:H1695-H1702
- Wang, J. D., Kuo, T. B. J., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2002) An alternative method to enhance vagal activities and suppress sympathetic activities in humans. Autonomic Neuroscience 100:90-95
- u, C. F., Kuo, T. B. J., Chang, Y. L., and Loh, T. W. (2002) Alternation of systemic blood pressure, intracranial pressure and power spectrum of blood pressure after tracheal suction in patients receiving craniotomy. Taiwan Critical Care Medicine 4:81-88
- Chern, C. M., Kuo, T. B. J., Chao, A. C., Sheng, W. Y., and Hu, H. H. (2003) Spectral analysis of cerebrovascular regulation in patients with autonomic dysfunction. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 66:393-399
- Yang, C. C. H., Shaw, F. Z., Lai, C. J., Lai, C. W., and Kuo, T. B. J.*(2003) Relationship between electroencephalogram slow-wave magnitude and heart rate variability during sleep in rats. Neuroscience Letters 336:21-24
- Chao, A. C., Chern, C. M., Kuo, T. B. J., Chou, C. H., Chuang, Y. M., Wong, W. J., and Hu, H. H.* (2003) Noninvasive assessment of spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate variability in patients with carotid stenosis. Cerebrovascular Diseases 16:151-157
- Kuo, T. B. J., Chern, C. M., Yang, C. C. H., Hsu, H. Y., Wong, W. J., Sheng, W. Y., and Hu, H. H.* (2003) Mechanisms underlying phase lag between systemic arterial blood pressure and cerebral blood flow velocity. Cerebrovascular Diseases 16:402-409
- Lee, G. S., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2003) Voice low tone to high tone ratio--a new index for nasal airway assessment. Chinese Journal of Physiology 46:123-127
- Lai, H. Y., Yang, C. C. H., Huang, F. Y., Lee, Y., Kuo, Y. L., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2003) Respiratory-related arterial pressure variability as an indicator of graded blood loss: involvement of the autonomic nervous system. Clinical Science (Lond) 105:491-497
- Fu, C. H., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2003) Effect of angiotensin II receptor antagonism on cerebral vasomotor reserve in humans. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 42:714-718
- Liu, C. C.†, Kuo, T. B. J.†, and Yang, C. C. H.* (2003) Effects of estrogen on gender-related autonomic differences in humans. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 285:H2188-H2193
- Yang, C. C. H.*, and Kuo, T. B. J. (2003) Dynamic regulation of arterial blood pressure from the brainstem. Tzu Chi Medical Journa
- uo, T. B. J., Lai, C. J., Shaw, F. Z., Lai, C. W., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2004) Sleep-related sympathovagal imbalance in SHR. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 286:H1170-H1176
- Lai, H. Y., Yang, C. C. H., Cheng, C. F., Huang, F. Y., Lee, Y., Shyr, M. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2004) Effect of esmolol on positive-pressure ventilation-induced variations of arterial pressure in anaesthetized humans. Clinical Science (Lond) 107:303-308
- Chen, C. L., Lin, H. H., Orr, W. C., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2004) Transfer function analysis of heart rate variability in response to water intake: correlation with gastric myoelectrical activity. Journal of Applied Physiology 96:2226-2230
- Hsu, H. Y., Chern, C. M., Kuo, J. S., Kuo, T. B. J., Chen, Y. T., and Hu, H. H.* (2004) Correlations among critical closing pressure, pulsatility index and cerebrovascular resistance. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 30:1329-1335
- Kuo, T. B. J., Shaw, F. Z., Lai, C. J., Lai, C. W., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2004) Changes in sleep patterns in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Sleep 27:406-
- uo, T. B. J., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2004) Scatterplot analysis of EEG slow-wave magnitude and heart rate variability: an integrative exploration of cerebral cortical and autonomic functions. Sleep 27:648-
- Chen, H. Y., Kuo, T. B. J.†, Shaw, F. Z., Lai, C. J., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2005) Sleep-related vagotonic effect of zolpidem in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 181:270-279
- Su, C. F., Kuo, T. B. J., Kuo, J. S., Lai, H. Y., and Chen, H. I.* (2005) Sympathetic and parasympathetic activities evaluated by heart-rate variability in head injury of various severities. Clinical Neurophysiology 116:1273-1279
- Kuo, T. B. J., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2005) Sleep-related changes in cardiovascular neural regulation in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Circulation 112:849-854
- Lee, G. S., Yang, C. C. H., Wang, C. P., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2005) Effect of nasal decongestion on voice spectrum of a nasal consonant-vowel. Journal of Voice 19:71-77
- Fu, C. H., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2005) Effects of different classes of antihypertensive drugs on cerebral hemodynamics in elderly hypertensive patients. American Journal of Hypertension 18:1621-1625
- Kuo, T. B. J., Lai, C. J.†, Huang, Y. T., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2005) Regression analysis between heart rate variability and baroreflex-related vagus nerve activity in rats. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 16:864-869
- Huang, C. J., Kuok, C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Hsu, Y. W., and Tsai, P. S.* (2006) Pre-operative measurement of heart rate variability predicts hypotension during general anesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 50:542-548
- Tsai, M. W., Chie, W. C., Kuo, T. B. J., Chen, M. F., Liu, J. P., Chen, T. T., and Wu, Y. T.* (2006) Effects of exercise training on heart rate variability after coronary angioplasty. Physical Therapy 86:626-635
- Fu, C. H., Yang, C. C. H., Lin, C. L., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2006) Effects of long-term vegetarian diets on cardiovascular autonomic functions in healthy postmenopausal women. American Journal of Cardiology 97:380-383
- Sun, T. B., Yang, C. C. H., Lai, C. J., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2006) Time course of cardiovascular neural regulation during programmed 20-sec apnea in rats. Critical Care Medicine 34:765-770
- Sun, T. B., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2006) Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on cardiac neural regulation in diabetic individuals with foot complications. Diabetic Medicine 23:360-366
- Lee, G. S., Wang, C. P., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2006) Voice low tone to high tone ratio: a potential quantitative index for vowel [a:] and its nasalization. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53:1437-1439
- Lai, C. J., Yang, C. C. H., Hsu, Y. Y., Lin, Y. N., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2006) Enhanced sympathetic outflow and decreased baroreflex sensitivity are associated with intermittent hypoxia-induced systemic hypertension in conscious rats. Journal of Applied Physiology 100:1974-1982
- Fu, C. H., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2006) Age-related changes in cerebral hemodynamics and their correlations with cardiac autonomic functions. Neurological Research 28:871-876
- Chen, C. L.*, Orr, W. C., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J. (2006) Cardiac autonomic regulation differentiates reflux disease with and without erosive esophagitis. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 41:1001-1006
- Chen, K. Y., Chen, C. L.*, Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J. (2006) Cardiac autonomic dysregulation in patients with acute hepatitis. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 332:164-167
- Chen, C. L., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2007) Transfer function analysis of heart rate variability correlated with gastric myoelectrical activity using a liquid nutritional meal compared to water: are they different? Chinese Journal of Physiology 50:271-276
- Lee, G. S., Hsiao, T. Y., Yang, C. C. H., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2007) Effects of speech noise on vocal fundamental frequency using power spectral analysis. Ear and Hearing 28:343-350
- Fu, C. H., Yang, C. C. H., Lin, C. L., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2008) Alteration of cardiovascular autonomic functions by vegetarian diets in postmenopausal women is related to LDL cholesterol levels. Chinese Journal of Physiology 51:100-10
- Chen, C. L.*, Yi, C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., and Yang, C. C. H. (2008) Effect of acid suppression on gastric myoelectrical activity in GERD. Hepatogastroenterology 55:1353-1355
- Yi, C. H., Chen, C. L.*, Kuo, T. B. J., and Yang, C. C. H. (2008) The effect of acid suppression on sleep and cardiac autonomic regulation in GERD. Hepatogastroenterology 55:1649-1652
- Liou, H. L., Chao, Y. F., Kuo, T. B. J., and Chen, H. I.* (2008) Physiological, psychological and autonomic responses to pre-operative instructions for patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Chinese Journal of Physiology 51:317
- Harnod, T., Yang, C. C. H., Hsin, Y. L., Shieh, K. R., Wang, P. J., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2008) Heart rate variability in children with refractory generalized epilepsy. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 17:297-301
- ai, I. C.*, Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Wang, Y. C., and Shieh, K. R. (2008) Immediate impact of electroconvulsive therapy on cardiac autonomic function in schizophrenia: A preliminary study. Schizophrenia Research 100:353-355
- Kuo, T. B. J., Shaw, F. Z., Lai, C. J., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2008) Asymmetry in sympathetic and vagal activities during sleep-wake transitions. Sleep 31:311-320
- Li, J. Y., Kuo, T. B. J.†, Hsieh, S. S., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2008) Changes in electroencephalogram and heart rate during treadmill exercise in the rat. Neuroscience Letters 434:175-178
- Ko, J. H., Kuo, T. B. J., and Lee, G. S.* (2008) Effect of postural change on nasal airway and autonomic nervous system established by rhinomanometry and heart rate variability analysis. American Journal of Rhinology 22:159-165
- Yang, C. C. H., Yeh, I. T., Lai, H. Y., Chen, H. I., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2008) Dynamic effects of respiration on aortic blood flow and its autonomic control in rats. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 35:1294-1300
- Wang, Y. C., Yang, C. C. H., Bai, Y. M., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2008) Heart rate variability in schizophrenic patients switched from typical antipsychotic agents to amisulpride and olanzapine: 3-month follow-up. Neuropsychobiology 57:200-205
- Chung, M. H., Chang, F. M., Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., and Hsu, N.* (2009) Sleep quality and morningness-eveningness of shift nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing 18:279-284
- Harnod, T., Yang, C. C. H., Hsin, Y. L., Wang, P. J., Shieh, K. R., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2009) Heart rate variability in patients with frontal lobe epilepsy. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 18:
- Chen, C. J., Kuo, T. B. J.†, Tseng, Y. J., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2009) Combined cardiac sympathetic excitation and vagal impairment in patients with non-organic erectile dysfunction. Clinical Neurophysiology 120:348-352
- Kuo, T. B. J., Yang, C. C. H.*, and Huang, N. E. (2009) Quantification of respiratory sinus arrhythmia using Hilbert-Huang transform. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 1:295-307
- Kuo, T. B. J., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2009) Frequency domain analysis of electrooculogram and its correlation with cardiac sympathetic function. Experimental Neurology 217:38-45
- Chung, M. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Hsu, N., Chu, H., Chou, K. R., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2009) Sleep and autonomic nervous system changes - enhanced cardiac sympathetic modulations during sleep in permanent night shift nurses. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health 35:180-187
- Sun, T. B.*, Kuo, T. B. J., and Yang, C. C. H. (2009) Nonparallel cutaneous microcirculatory responses to pharmacologic alterations of systemic arterial pressure in rats. Microsurgery 29:319-325
- Sun, T. B.*, Kuo, T. B. J., and Yang, C. C. H. (2009) Power spectral analysis of perfusion signals on free radial forearm flap transplantation in humans. Microsurgery 29:636-643
- Tsai, P. Y., Hu, W. C., Kuo, T. B. J., and Shyu, L. Y. (2009) A portable device for real time drowsiness detection using novel active dry electrode system. Conference Proceedings- IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 1:3775-3778
- Huang, H. H., Tseng, C. Y., Fan, J. S., Yen, D. H., Kao, W. F., Chang, S. C., Kuo, T. B. J., Huang, C. I., and Lee, C. H. (2010) Alternations of heart rate variability at lower altitude in the predication of trekkers with acute mountain sickness at high altitude. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 20:58-63
- Chen, H. C., Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., Su, T. P., and Chou, P.* (2010) Gender differences in the relationship between depression and cardiac autonomic function among community elderly. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 25:314-322
- Huang, Y. M., Yang, C. C. H., Lai, C. J., and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2010) Involvement of sympathetic function in the sleep-related change of gastric myoelectrical activity in rats. Journal of Sleep Research 19:192-200
- Hsin, Y., Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., and Harnod, T.* (2010) Effects of chronic epilepsy on heart rate variability. Neural Regeneration Research 5:156-160
- Chiang, J. K., Koo, M., Kuo, T. B. J., and Fu, C. H.* (2010) Association between cardiovascular autonomic functions and time to death in patients with terminal hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 39:673-679
- Lai, I. C., Yang, C. C. H., Kuo, T. B. J., and Shieh, K. R.* (2010) Transcranial magnetic stimulation for auditory hallucination in severe schizophrenia: partial efficacy and acute elevation of sympathetic modulation. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences in press
- Kuo, T. B. J., Lai, C. T., Hsu, F. C., Tseng, Y. J., Li, J. Y., Shieh, K. R., Tsai, S. C., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2010) Cardiac Neural Regulation Oscillates with the Estrous Cycle in Freely Moving Female Rats: the Role of Endogenous Estrogens. Endocrinology 151:2613-2621
- Kuo, T. B. J., Li, J. Y.†, Hsieh, S. S. Y., Chen, J. J., Tsai, C. Y., and Yang, C. C. H.* (2010) Effect of aging on treadmill exercise induced theta power in the rat. Age in press
- hen, W. L., Tsai, T. H., Yang, C. C. H. and Kuo, T. B. J.* (2010) Acute Effects of Ephedra on Autonomic Nervous Modulation in Healthy Young Adults. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics in pres
yc 於 2013-08-24 13:32:10 回應
中視無線台(第10頻道),於2013年8月24日(星期六)上午11:30-12:00播出【台灣真棒】節目 ,
報導介紹「陽明醫學發明 - 郭博昭的研究故事」單元,播出的內容如下:
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ayjGH9olpQ0 ( Part 1 )
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=cdWbmISMyOc ( Part 2 )
yc 於 2013-08-23 11:15:49 回應
中視無線台(第10頻道),將於8月24日(星期六)上午11: 00-12:00播出【台灣真棒】節目 ,其中有一個單元約半小時
,將報導介紹「陽明醫學發明 - 郭博昭的研究故事」, 目前任教陽明大學腦科學研究所,若有興趣
*♥*全台手機維修*♥* 於 2010-07-01 08:22:56 回應

scl 於 2010-07-01 06:53:37 回應
吾人自高一 (1983年) 起自修程式設計,以組合語言計算圓周率至一萬位。榮獲高雄中學程式設計比賽分組冠軍。自製程式分析生物實驗數據,獲全國科展第三名。1986年起自修數位與類比電路設計,自組6502微電腦系統,進行計時、類比-數位轉換等功能。
2000年後任職慈濟大學神經科學研究所教授,成立自律神經研究團隊,經營「東台灣睡眠研究中心」,使用自己開發之儀器及程式進行醫工、基礎與臨床醫學整合。持續新一代生理律動分析系統的開發,並將實驗儀器產品化。2002年榮獲「國家生技品質獎」。2004年獲選為「十大傑出青年」。 2006年回陽明大學任教。目前擔任腦科學研究所所長、研發長,將先前累積的知識與經驗,協助母校在腦科學研究與產業合作的發展。並與中央大學黃鍔院士合作,將其發明的分析技術 (HHT),引入生醫研究。與交通大學林進燈教授合作,將生醫科技轉至資訊產業。就近與多家北部的公司開發新ㄧ代小型無線醫療保健用品。
從1988年開始實驗用電腦程式的創作,首先獲得陽明大學生理學研究所的採用 (Lee et al., 1994)。之後進一步從事儀器電路的設計。譬如1996年設計的心電訊號擷取器,獲得台灣 (Kuo, 1999) 與美國專利 (Kuo, 2002),衍生數篇研究論文 (Kuo et al., 1999; Yang et al., 2000; Kuo and Yang, 2002; Wang et al., 2002; Yang et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2001; Fu et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2004),並與一家生技公司開發商用機型 (www.wegene.com.tw),獲得經濟部之國家生技品質獎,之後通過衛生署之醫療儀器認証。其它已公開 (Lee et al., 2003) 與未公開的專利與技術則不再贅述。這方面的發展除了支援本團隊實驗室的生物醫學研究外,也提供給不少同好使用。近期更集合過去所有軟、硬體醫學工程研究之大成,開發世界上最小、最省電且多功能無線生理感測系統及其各式應用,本計畫乃採用此設計進行後續各式產學開發、臨床及基礎研究。
二、血壓變異性 (BPV) 研究
從1991年持續開發至今未曾間斷 (Kuo and Chan, 1991),比較特殊的例子包括「算命機」等 (Kuo et al., 1997a ; Yien et al., 1997)。1998年後持續新題材的研發,譬如首創BPV中的呼吸成份能代表心臟交感神經活性 (Yang and Kuo, 1999),並進而提出其作用機轉 (Yang and Kuo, 2000;Yang et al., 2008)。首先發現高血壓鼠延腦調控血壓的能力數倍於正常血壓鼠 (Kuo and Yang, 2000)。解釋BPV呼吸成份為何能反應體液多寡的生理機轉 (Lai et al., 2003)。以中文寫一篇論文交待這方面的研究 (Yang and Kuo, 2003)。2005年接受國立中國醫藥研究所的委託,進行脈診儀之改良工作,希望將中醫與西醫的技術整合與推廣,其成果已寫成專利,並有研究成果投稿中。
三、心率變異性 (HRV) 研究
從1996年後採用歐美公認的方法進行分析工具的建立,並進行人體與動物研究。1997年後持續新題材的開發,與陽明大學公衛所合作,建立全球先驅的正常人資料庫,清楚呈現年齡與性別的影響 (Kuo et al., 1999),這篇論文後來受到廣泛的引用,並被歐洲學者視為重要的發現 (http://www.guidant.com/hf-contakt/vol-4/answer_5.htm)。之後對心跳動態性別差異的現象深入研究 (Kuo and Yang, 2002),這方面的成果受到美國生理學會的重視並發送新聞稿給國際媒體(http://www.the-aps.org/press/journal/release11-5-02-3.htm),而本團隊又進一步證實此性別差異的決定因素是女性荷爾蒙 (Liu et al., 2003)。提出子癲前症伴隨著心臟自律神經異常 (Yang et al., 2002) 並與神經外科合作確認HRV能反應頭部外傷的嚴重性 (Su et al., 2000);與心臟內科合作探討心律不整的機轉 (Chen et al., 2001);與復健科共同研究癲癇與腦性痲痺的病理 (Yang et al., 2002; Yang et al., 2001);與中醫科合作探討針灸的機轉 (Wang et al., 2002);與腸胃科合作開發評估胃自律神經功能的新方法 (Chen et al., 2004);與神經內科確認頸動脈手術對感壓反射的影響 (Chao et al., 2003) 與神經外科探索癲癇病人的自主神經功能變化 (Harnod et al., 2009; Harnod et al., 2008);與泌尿科探索男性功能障礙中心臟自主神經之角色 (Chen et al., 2008);與精神科探索精神用藥或治療對心臟自主神經功能的影響 (Wang et al., 2008; Lai et al., 2008)。
從1998年開始相關論文的發表,與台北榮總腦血管病科合作,首創腦血管功能的非侵體分析方法 (Kuo et al., 1998),並進而證實其臨床重要性 (Chern et al., 1999; Hu et al., 1999)。後來這些論文受到廣泛的引用,成為此方研究的先驅。本團隊更進一步提出腦血流與血壓互動的機轉 (Kuo et al., 2003),並首度提出angiotensin Ⅱ擷抗劑能改善人體腦血管的功能 (Fu et al., 2003)。
由於睡眠研究必須整合工程、生理、心理與行為科學,被視為難度較高的研究。經由神經內科、生理學科及神經科學研究所共同合作,本團隊於2002年首度發表睡眠相關的論文,以自創的方法提出人體睡眠深度與自主神經功能的相關 (Yang et al., 2002),之後在大鼠重現類似的結果 (Yang et al., 2003)。以此為基礎,進一步發現高血壓大鼠雖然於清醒時和正常鼠有類同的自主神經活性,在睡眠時即呈現較強的交感神經活性 (Kuo et al., 2004a )。開發新的睡眠定量分析法,發現高血壓鼠的睡眠品質遜於正常鼠 (Kuo et al., 2004b)。為了將複雜的睡眠資料以更簡單的方式呈現,持續改良先前的方法,進一步提出一種有效研究腦波與自主神經互動的新方法 (Kuo and Yang, 2004)。2005年我們在睡眠、自主神經與高血壓互動的研究成果獲得循環學權威期刊 Circulation的青睞,並得到編審委員的專文介紹 (http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/112/6/786)。我們也將自主神經功能與睡醒變化的可能因果關連作一探討,了解自主神經功能變化可能是切換睡醒的重要原因之一,也提出了可能假說 (Kuo et al., 2008)。此部分研究也由於完全無線技術且無時限技術開發而達更完美階段,發現及論文陸續撰寫中。
自1997年起擔任博士生的指導教授,開始往作育英才的方向努力。由於不少進修者是在職的醫師,如何讓他們同時兼顧職業與學業,並導引至 Translational Research,成為一個新的挑戰。為了發揮每位進修者的特色,我們開發了不少新的研究領域,包括嗓音分析 (Lee et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2006)、高壓氧與缺氧研究 (Sun et al., 2006b; Sun et al., 2006a ) 與素食研究 (Fu et al., 2006) 等,已建立初步的基礎。
在硬體與軟體上的自主性,我們得以設計並嘗試一些前所未有的分析理論,從1993年發表在美國生理學期刊“Special Communication”(是一個發表新方法的專欄)起,在本人主導的研究論文中即經常嘗試新的研究方法。反之,同樣的方法很少連續發表超過兩篇的論文,如此做法當然不利於論文的“量產”,但求落實一個創新突破的精神。
醫學研究不僅是純理論的研究,必須實際上能在日常生活應用,能為病患“拔苦與樂”才能突顯其價值,所以從實驗室走向醫院是必然的過程,但這個過程通常是緩慢而艱難的。為了加快腳步,我們積極與臨床環境接觸。譬如本人曾在醫院接受住院醫師的訓練,回到教學單位後,對於前來進修的醫師皆抱以積極歡迎的態度,為每位合作的醫師訂製分析工具以利其收集病患的資料。在種種努力下,得以達到一些臨床應用的成果,而這些寶貴的經驗又有助於未來研究方向的擬定。這方面的努力曾榮獲1999年中華民國基礎神經學會之「王世濬」青年研究獎, 2004並獲選為「中華民國十大傑出青年」。
當一個研究成果通過了基礎醫學與臨床醫學的驗證後,就應進行國內與國際上的推廣,才能幫助更多的人並發揮實際上的影響力 (impact)。為了達到此目的,商品化是最有效率而且能持久的方法。我們這方面也努力吸收了一些經驗,目前與生技公司合作開發新型的醫療儀器,並成功通過衛生署醫療儀器的認証,正式在市面上流通,也獲得經濟部「國家生技品質獎」、「2006日本設計獎」及「國家生技醫療品質獎」的肯定。去年更完成一項產學合作,推出完全自創微型無線多功能生理記錄儀,並已獲美國FDA認證,其各式應用正式開始。
scl 於 2010-07-01 06:51:14 回應
o 郭博昭。心率變異分析心電轉換器。中華民國專利1999證書號363404。
o 郭博昭。Electrocardiogram signal collecting apparatus. US Patent 2002證書號6360117。
o 郭博昭。評估自主神經系統功能之自動遠端控制方法及系統。中華民國專利2002證書號168747。
o 郭博昭。能由頸部同時測量心電、脈博和聲波訊號之感測器。中華民國專利2003證書號169688。
o 郭博昭。非侵入性自律神經系統監測儀器系統及其用途。中華民國專利2003證書號176323。
o 郭博昭。以聲音低高頻比作為鼻腔及鼻音監測的方法。中華民國專利2004證書號195701。
o 鄧俊男,郭博昭。聚合酶連鎖反應儀結構改良。中華民國專利2004證書號224760。
o 李國熙,郭博昭。鼻音偵測方法及其裝置。中華民國專利2004證書號I226600。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。陰陽虛實之偵測方法及其裝置。中華民國專利2004證書號198840。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。心率變異性分析方法及裝置。中華民國專利2004證書號225394。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。心電訊號轉換器及其類比-數位轉換單元。中華民國專利2004證書號222861。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。Non-invasive apparatus system for monitoring autonomic nervous system and uses thereof. US Patent 2004證書號6,811,536 B2。
o 李國熙,郭博昭。聽力與發聲腦幹之檢測方法及其裝置。中華民國專利2006發明第200616866號。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。脈衝間距至電壓轉換器及其轉換方法。中華民國專利2006證書號261415。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。多頻道之脈衝間距至電壓轉換器及轉換方法。中華民國專利2006證書號I254504。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。陰陽虛實之偵測方法及其裝置。大陸專利2006證書號ZL03109155.5。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。脈衝間距至電壓轉換器及其轉換方法。大陸專利2006證書號ZL03143197.6。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。Pulse interval to voltage converter and conversion method thereof. US Patent 2006證書號 6,989,693。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。Methods and Apparatus for Analyzing Heart Rate Variability. US Patent 2007證書號 7,277,746。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。貼片式無線微生理訊號收集裝置。中華民國專利2009證書號I311909。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。微型無線心電訊號收集裝置。中華民國專利2009證書號I313593。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。耳機感測式心電訊號量測系統。中華民國專利2009證書號I316401。
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。Miniature wireless apparatus for collecting physiological signals. US Patent 2010證書號7,672,714 B2
o 郭博昭,楊靜修。太陽眼鏡型瞌睡防止器。中華民國專利2010證書號I321227。