
Timely Optimization of Personal Pleasure, or Fun隨時要正面地極大化個人的愉快心情/Jeff

Timely Optimization of Personal Pleasure, or Fun

 事業及金錢也沒有Bill Gates成功及多,有什么可矯情傲人的?
股票也沒有Warren Buffett嬴得多,有什么可矯情傲人的?
但死亡是必然的,如同Steve Jobs 一般,秦始皇及Luciano Pavarotti一樣,而已罷了!事業、金錢、及股票的成功、多、及嬴得,最多也只不過增加,在塵世上讓人艷羨、自己心情愉快的理由罷了!
人不分中外種族貴賤,最能給自己方便的辦法無他:給人方便,不去計較那短暫的方便罷了!凡看人笑,自己難得不笑,很可能心情更快樂!如同筆者在美一退休地親身經歷的事般:一白人女性替筆者開門,筆者很正經的說:「妳很自私!(You are very selfish!) 害得那女士,不只尷尬,更覺羞辱。她一愕,很不解,狀似好心替你開門還捱罵!好心雨雷吻!筆者趕緊接著說:「只因為妳想看到筆者感激的笑容,使妳自己更覺得快樂高興罷了!(Only because you want to see my gratifying smile so that you feel much happier!)」聽了之後,只見那女士破涕為笑,把門開得更大。
好心勝於黑心,絕對有回報,至少能心平安 (Peace of Mind),如果不是永安,永遠平安的話。其他諸如食安、居安、車安等等,都是附帶、加值罷了。
Thank you very much for many cares, friendship, union, and reunion, either in the US, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Please see the enclosed article as my "thank you" token gift.
 Wish you a fun day!


3 則留言:

  1. It was very pleased and happy to see you at the reunion. Sun-Yi told me all the time that you are one of his best college friends. We enjoyed seeing you and some other friends after 50 years apart. Just like your article mentioned that money is not important but health and friendship are what we need in the future. Do some exercise. I try to take at least 3 times a week Zumba dancing class to keep my body fast speed moving, which also help me to keep my brain moving with the fast music. I enjoy the music too.
    Take care of yourself and hope to see you in 2015 or sooner with good health. Health is worth more than money. Agree?


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