


瀏覽成大各系網站,在物理系網站的系友園地看到林身振之文「表哥的一生」{刊於2004年12月4日「給51級」}以及斯華齡之文「40th plus & minus Years Physics Reunion」{刊於2001年12月10日「給52級」},心中慼慼然!有所感而為文「問候老朋友—昔時歲月的往年舊事堪回憶」投稿之,承蒙刊出{2005年12月12日於「給52級」}。於林身振兄,我們常有聯繫;於斯華齡兄,則是成大畢業後就未再見過面。書寫該文刊出於物理系網站,稍解余懸念老同學之心思;人海茫茫,網站無數,我寫了文章刊了出來,就算心中了了一件事,並未巴望他人會看到此文有所回應。
然而令人意外的事情發生了,該文刊出之後一個月,於2006年1月23日得到一封來自南美洲巴西的電子信(Greeting from Brazil Yun Hoo)。起初我遲疑著、不敢打開此封陌生的來信,恐怕中了電腦病毒。後來下定決心,打開來看個究竟。閱讀之下,不禁喜出望外,原來是在美國分手三十多年的老同學陳雲祜(物理52級),他看到我那篇文章之後,依照我在文章末尾留下的電子信箱(e-mail),傳信給我。啊!真是奇妙的網路世界、電子信件…,透過它們,我竟然得以聯絡上、失聯數十年且問人打聽多次無結果的老同學啊!我心中愉悅非常,感謝上天!感謝科技!感謝網站之工作人員!陳兄獨處南美,雖然也有再去美國多次,畢竟斷了線的其他GOS老同學們,他也無從聯絡起來。
機械系: 施子耕(52級), 楊文欽(52級), 唐江濤(52級), 黃智宏(52級), 劉壽炎(52級), 陳友林(53級), 葉晨鐘(53級), 黃庚燊(53級), 王維強(54級), 劉漢烈(54級), 孫積農(54級)。 
電機系: 毛齊武(52級), 何慶國(52級), 鄧子展(52級), 蔡文雄(52級), 蔡錦記(52級), 翁文彬(53級), 陶融(54級), 劉定泮(55級)。
化工系: 王古勳(52級), 林身振(52級), 林金亮(52級), 楊雨軒(52級), 陳清河(52級), 周宗隆(53級)。 
礦冶系: 耿介(52級), 戴幸雄(52級), 廖裕國(53級)。 
土木系: 楊聰(51級), 黃建章(53級), 宋秋奎(54級)。 
建築系: 胡寶深(52級), 洗崇社(53級), 黎小容(54級), 劉雲岩(54級)。 
水利系: 高少堅(54級)。 
數學系: 馬立凡(52級), 黃春山(52級), 劉宗良(52級)。 
物理系: 郭魯泰(50級), 林紹強(52級), 周良勳(52級), 斯華齡(52級), 陳雲祜(52級), 侯邦為(55級)。
化學系: 王秉慧(52級), 李瑞榮(52級), 周本銓(52級), 林阿義(53級), 蘇紀五(53級), 王友蘭(56級)。 
中文系: 王懿敏(54級), 莊瑪玲(54級)。 
外文系: 葛樹人(52級), 周慧珠(53級), 曾靜香(53級), 鄭繼宗(53級), 連文雄(53級), 馬忠良(53級), 繆立中(53級), 裘尚文(54級), 李社珠(54級), 王雪芳(55級),黃麗頻(58級)。 
工管系: 卜建渝(53級)。 
交管系: 盛家麟(53級), 崔宗岳(53級), 李春英(54級)。 
會統系: 林衡清(53級), 胡岡生(53級), 鄔來琪(53級), 吳同良(53級), 溫權達(53級), 陳運昌(53級), 周慧珠(53級), 黃淑慧(54級), 張天一(54級), 陳再來(54級)。 
我(黃志遠)的電子信箱(e-mail)為: jchuang@mail.ncku.edu.tw 回信請寄至此信箱,我深深地期盼著你的來信。 
2007/12/27 刊登 


1.       : 英國式(小球) 1.62啢,直徑 1.62吋;美國式(大球) 1.62啢,直徑1.68。球上凹洞 : 336(1970年以前)492(Sparding)432(Wilson)
2.        :  直徑 41/4吋,深4吋以上。
3.     球桿數目 : 參加比賽,最多只能攜帶14支球桿進場打球。
4.     其他專用球具 : 球袋、球托、球標、球車、球鞋、傘、雨衣。


省立高雄療 養院 醫師
六十四歲的江英隆是疾管局首席副局長,感嘆處理非典疫情很辛苦,這是一場空前大疫病,身為衛生體繫一員,遇上這波疫情是一大挑戰。 ...
江英隆, 1998,「從小港醫院公辦民營談市政民營化」,高雄市政府主辦「躍昇高雄展望未來」研討會。
小涼2011-04-14 16:33:18 回應

三信商業銀行 提供 公教貸款 . 醫護貸款 . 金融同業貸款 . 優質企業員工貸款 提供 優惠利率 ( 第一年 ) 1.68 % 起 . 百萬輕輕鬆鬆入口袋 . 可代償信貸 . 信用卡 . 車貸 ( 降低月付金 . 提高生活品質 ) 全省服務 . 歡迎洽詢 . 資深行員 :謝國涼     電話:0921-761888


省立高雄療 養院 醫師
六十四歲的江英隆是疾管局首席副局長,感嘆處理非典疫情很辛苦,這是一場空前大疫病,身為衛生體繫一員,遇上這波疫情是一大挑戰。 ...
江英隆, 1998,「從小港醫院公辦民營談市政民營化」,高雄市政府主辦「躍昇高雄展望未來」研討會。
小涼2011-04-14 16:33:18 回應

三信商業銀行 提供 公教貸款 . 醫護貸款 . 金融同業貸款 . 優質企業員工貸款 提供 優惠利率 ( 第一年 ) 1.68 % 起 . 百萬輕輕鬆鬆入口袋 . 可代償信貸 . 信用卡 . 車貸 ( 降低月付金 . 提高生活品質 ) 全省服務 . 歡迎洽詢 . 資深行員 :謝國涼     電話:0921-761888


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 就規劃構想而言,這些路線頗能結合當地自然、人文景觀,讓遊客在穿梭幽徑窄巷之際,因鐵馬的輕便而有較高的機動性和臨近性,最重要是藉由鐵馬觀光交通工具的使用,將推廣對象鎖定於年輕遊客。 (李金生)



85.    T.-H. Lu, G.Mostafa, B.K. Ghosh, S.K. Chandra, “Structural and Magnetic Studies of Some Novel Azide Bridged Complexes”, 901228~30日,化學年會論文摘要, P-3-IN-030, (2001), NSC90-2112-M007-063.
86.    G. Mostafa (穆士達), Tian-Huey Lu(盧天惠), N. Ray Chaudhuri, “Metal-Organic Co-ordination Frameworks Based on Malonate ligands and their magnetic properties”,  2002年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿四卷一期, Oral presentation, P.65, (2002), NSC90-2112-M007-063.
87.    Tian-Huey Lu, G. Mostafa, B.K. Ghosh, S.K. Chandra, N. Ray Chaudhuri, “Construction of novel cadmium(II) network using thiocyanate as building block”,  2002年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿四卷一期, Oral presentation, P.93, (2002), NSC90-2112-M007-063.
88.    Jian Cheng Liou, N. Ray Chaudhuri, Barindra K. Ghosh, Swapan K. Chandra, Tian-Huey Lu, “兩個二價過渡金屬錯合物之單晶結構 2002年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿四卷一期, P.218, (2002), NSC90-2112-M007-063.
89.    Jack Cheng(鄭聖騫), Fen-Ling Liao(廖芬玲), C.R. Sinha, Tian-Huey Lu(盧天惠), “X-ray Crystal Structures of Two Ruthenium Complexes”  2002年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿四卷一期, P.219, (2002), NSC90-2112-M007-063.
90.    P.C. Lin(林柏青), T.H. Lu(盧天惠), C.S. Chung, T.K. Misra, B.K. Ghosh, S.K. Chandra, “氮原子螯合配合的兩個金屬錯合物之單晶結構”, 2002, 年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿四卷一期, P.219, (2002), NSC90-2112-M007-063.
91.  Tian-Huey Lu, Golam Mostafa, Chen-Chung Yang. Crystallization of Cardiotoxin III from the Taiwan Cobra (Naja naja atra) in an External Electric Field. 9th International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules, March 23-28, 2002. Oral presentation. O-J.6, NSC90-2112-M007-063.
92.  Tian-Huey Lu, G. Mostafa, N. Ray Chaudhuri, Novel Polymeric Network In Coordination Complexes Involving Malonate Ligand ,  (2002), ACA02, American Crystallographic Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 26, 2002, P183, NSC90-2112-M007-063.
93.    Jack Cheng, Golam Mostafa, Tian-Huey Lu*, Chen-Chung Yang. “Crystallization of Cardiotoxin III from the Taiwan Cobra (Naja naja atra)”, Taipei , May 22-25, (2002), The 8th Symposium on Recent Advances in Biophysics, No. P29, page78. NSC90-2112-M007-063.
94.      Jian Cheng Liou (劉建成), B. K. Ghosh, Fen-Ling Liao(廖芬玲), Tian-Huey Lu (盧天惠). “一種疊氮配位鎳化合物之單晶結構”, 2002年中華民國化學學會年會中國化學會70週年年會,論文手冊,  IN03. NSC 91-2112-M007-055.
95.    Liang-Haur Kang(康良豪), N. Ray Chaudhuri, Tian-Huey Lu (盧天惠)一種硒氰化超內巨分子之單晶結構”, 2002年中華民國化學學會年會中國化學會70週年年會,論文手冊,  IN08. NSC 91-2112-M007-055.
96.    Shin-Yu Tsai(蔡欣宇), B. K. Ghosh , Fen-Ling Liao(廖芬玲),Tian Huey Lu(盧天惠),“一種鎘疊氮配位化合物的單晶結構”. 2002年中華民國化學學會年會中國化學會70週年年會,論文手冊,  IN22, NSC 91-2112-M007-055.
97.    Tian-Huey Lu, G. Mostafa, N. Ray Chaudhuri. “On the exploration of non-covalent interactions in the formation of 3D network of Mn(II), Co(II), Zn(II) and Cu(II) using carboxylates as building block”. 2002年中華民國化學學會年會中國化學會70週年年會,論文手冊,  IN14, NSC 91-2112-M007-055.
98.    Tian-Huey Lua*(盧天惠), G. Mostafaa, & N. Ray Chaudhurib,Three novel porous solid-state molecular self-assembly constructed with flexible ligands2003年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿五卷一期,P86.2003, Oral presentation, NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
99.    G. Mostafa, Tian-Huey Lu,  N. RayChaudhuriMagneto-Structural Correlation in Extended Structures of Metal(II)-malonate bridging system2003年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿五卷一期,P.60,2003, Oral presentation, NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
100.  Jian Cheng Lioua (劉建成),N. Ray Chaudhurib, Tian-Huey Lua(盧天惠),〝一種錳化合物之單晶結構〞2003年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿五卷一期,P.2102003, NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
101. Jack Cheng(鄭聖騫),  Tian-Huey Lu(盧天惠) , Fen-Ling Liao, C. R. SinhaCCrystallographical Study on an Mn Coordination Compound2003年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿五卷一期,P.211, (2003)NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
102.  Shin-Yu Tsai(蔡欣宇),N. Ray Chaudmuri , Fen-Ling Liao(廖芬玲) , Tian-Huey Lu(盧天惠).The structure of Bis-[tetraaqua di(pyridine N-oxide) Neodymium(II)]m-hexacyanoferrate(II) monohydrate, 2003年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿五卷一期,P.215,2003NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
103. Liang-Haur Kang(康良豪), B. K. Ghoshb,Fen-Ling,Liao, Tian-Huey Lu (盧天惠)[(NN’-bis(-pyridin-2-yl)benzylidene)-propane-1,2-diamine] azido copper(II) perchlorate2003年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿五卷一期,P.216,2003NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
104. Jack Cheng(鄭聖騫),  Tian-Huey Lu(盧天惠).X-ray Crystallographic Study of A New Form of Agglutinin, 同步輻射研究中心第八屆用戶會議暨同步輻射生物應用研討會大會手冊,P.64,2003, NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
105. Tian-Huey Lu*(盧天惠) , G. Mostafa ,N. Ray ChaudhuribNovel Polymeric Network In Coordination Complexes Involving Malonate Ligand, Vol.29. American Crystallographic Association, May 25 – 30, 2002P.143,2003NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
106. Tian-Huey Lu, G. Mostafa, and N. Ray Chaudhuri, “Three Novel Polymeric Network of Copper (II) Constructed with Succinato Ligand and the Influences of Weak Interactions on Their Crystal Packing,” AsCA’03/Crystal-23 Conference, Aug 10-13, (2003), Broome, Australia, Oral presentation, AMo2B-1, P. 94, NSC 92-2112-M-007-046.
107.G. Mostafa, Tian-Huey Lu and N. Ray Chaudhuri, “A New Hybrid Material with Three Dimensional Na-O-Cu Connectivity and its Nanostructures by Annealing,” AsCA’03/ Crystal-23 Conference, Aug 10-13, (2003), Broome , Australia , AMoP-04, P.103, NSC 92-2112-M-007-046.
108.Jian-Cheng Liou ( 劉建成), C. R. Sinha, F. L. Liao (廖芬鈴), Tian-Huey Lu (盧天惠),”三種由thiocyanate [1-alkyl-2-(arylazo)imidazole ] 所組成的配位化合物結構”, 2004年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿六卷一期,P.96,2004NSC92-2112-M-007-046.
109.Jack Cheng (鄭聖騫), .C. R. Sinha, F. L. Liao (廖芬鈴), Tian-Huey Lu (盧天惠), “Four azoimidazole complexes”, 2004年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿六卷一期,P.96,2004NSC92-2112-M-007-046.
110. Jyun-Nan Lin (林俊男), C. R. Sinha, F. L. Liao (廖芬鈴), Tian-Huey Lu (盧天惠),”兩個二價金屬的imidazole 配位化合物結構”, 2004年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿六卷一期,P.96,(2004)NSC92-2112-M-007-046.
111. Jian-Sung Wu (吳建松), C. R. Sinha, F. L. Liao (廖芬鈴), Tian-Huey Lu (盧天惠), ‘兩個錳(II)錯合物的單晶結構”, 2004年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿六卷一期,P.96,2004NSC92-2112-M-007-046.
112. Jack Cheng(鄭聖騫)Fen-Ling LiaoN. Ray ChaudhuriTian-Huey Lu(盧天惠), ‘Crystal Structure of catena-((µ2-croconato)-bis(µ2-4,4-bipyridine)-aqua-copper(II))’, 93化學年會無機化學組壁報論文摘要集ICS-B-190, (2004).
 Chun-Nan Lin(林俊男)、B. K. GhoshF. L. Liao(廖芬鈴)、Tian-Huey Lu(盧天惠),’兩種鋅(II)錯合物的單晶結構’, 93化學年會無機化學組壁報論文摘要集ICS-B182, (2004).
114. Jian- Sung Wu (吳建松),Chittaranjan Sinha ,Tian-Huey Lu(盧天惠),F.L.Liao(廖芬)Bi(azido)-bis[1-methyl-2(phyenylazo)imidazor]-nickle的單晶結構” 2005年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿七卷一期,PF-08,2005
115. Chun-Nan Lin (林俊男)Chittaranjan R. SinhaFen-Ling Liao(廖芬鈴)Tian-Huey Lu(盧天惠)含有咪唑的錳化合物之單晶結構” 2005年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿七卷一期,PF-10,2005.
116. Jack Cheng(鄭聖騫), Fen-Ling Liao, Chittaranjan Sinha, Tian-Huey Lu(盧天惠) , “Crystal Structure of hydrogen-carbonmonoxy (tris (triphenyl-phosphine)-(1-methyl-2-(phenylazo)imidazole))-ruthenium(II) perchlorate”, 2005年中華民國物理學會年會/物理雙月刊廿七卷一期,PF-11,2005.
117.  Periyasamy Murugana, Munusamy Thirumavalavana, Tian-Huey Lub, Kuo Chu Hwanga ‘Structural Studies of Biologically Important Heterocyclic Compounds’, AsCA2007 (2007 亞洲結晶學會會議), Nov. 4-7, 2007, Taipei , Programme & Abstracts, P05-114.


Publication list of Tian-Huey Lu
盧天惠   2008/02/10

B. Conference Papers: (Part III)

1.    T.H. Lu, T.J. Lee and C.S. Chung, "X-ray Molecular Structure of Some Macrocyclic Complexes, XII International Congress of Crystallography, Ottawa , Canada , C-231, 09, 4-26. (1981).
2.    Tian-Huey Lu, Cheu-Pyeng Cheng and Chung-Sun Chung, "Crystal Data and Coordination Number for Some Compounds." XIV International Congress of Crystallography, Perth , Australia , C-187, 09-4-27 . (1987).
3.    Tian-Huey Lu, Hung-Ying Kao, D.-Y. Wu and Chien-Hong Cheng "Structure of Bis (bipyridine)(dicyano) Iron (III) Perchlorate", The 1987 Annual Meeting of ROC Physical Society, Oral, H11, P.73. (1987).
4.    Tian-Huey Lu, Hung-Ying Kao, Yuh-Liang Liou and Chung-Sun Chung. "Structure of [N, N'-Ethylene-bis(acetylacetone iminate)]copper(II) Hemihydrate", The 1987 Annual Meeting of ROC Physical Society, Oral, H12, P.73. (1987).
5.    Tian-Huey Lu, Po-Jen Cheng, Yuh-Liang Liou and Chung-Sun Chung, "Crystal Structure of Orange Isomeric [2,5,8,11-tetraazatridodecane)Nickel(II) Perchlorate," XV International Congress of Crystallography, Bordeaux, France, C-213, PS- 06.2.25 (1990).
6.    Tian-Huey Lu, Chung-Sun Chung and Tamaichi Ashida, "On the Structural Chemistry of Metal(II) Compounds with Quadridentate Linear Ligands," XV International Congress of Crystallography, Bordeaux , France , C-213, PS- 05.2.26 . (1990).
7.    Tian-Huey Lu, Chung-Chih Wang, Yuh-Liang Liou and Chung-Sun Chung, "Crystal Structure of (4,7-Diazadecanediamide-N,N',O) Diisothiocyanato Copper(II)", American Crystallographic Association, Annual Meeting, Toledo , Ohio , PE15, 100 (1991).
8.    Tahir Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu*, Yun-Long Hsieh and Chung-Sun Chung, "The Role of NCS- in Some Structures of Cu(II) Complexes with Deprotonated Diazadioximes and Tetraamines", AsCA' 92 in Singapore, 15U-49 (1992).
9.    Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir Tahirov, Bor-Hann Chen and Chung-Sun Chung, "Crystal Structures of Four Transition Metal Complexes", AsCA' 92 in Singapore, 16S-32 (1992).
10.  Tian-Huey Lu, Jyh-Liong Lin, Wei-Jen Lan and Chung-Sun Chung, "Structure of Thiocyanato(l,4,7,l0-tetraazacyclododecane)Copper(II)Diaquatetraisothiocyanatocalcate" The 2nd R.O.C.-Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography (Taipei), p. 27, (1992).
11.  Tahir Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu*, Yuh-Liang Liu and Chung-Sun Chung, "Crystal Structure of (2, 5, 8, 12, 15-pentaazahexadecane) Copper (II) Diperchlorate", The 2nd R.O.C.-Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography ( Taipei ), p. 26, (1992).
12.  Tahir Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu*, Hung Luh and Chung-Sun Chung, "Crystal Structure of Aqua[Meso-3,6,6,9-Tetramethyl-4,8-Diazaundecane-2,l0-Dione Dioximato(l-)]Copper(II) Thiocyanate", The 2nd R.O.C.-Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography (Taipei), P. 23, (1992).
13.  Tian-Huey Lu, Yuh-Liang Liu, Chung-Sun Chung, Chiung-Chia Huang and Yaw-Shun Hong, "X-ray Crystal Structure of Isothiocyanato[(1RS,4RS,8RS,11RS)-l,4,8-11- tetraazacyclotetradecane] Copper(II) Thiocyanate", The 2nd R.O.C.-Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography (Taipei), P. 2.8 , (1992).
14.  Tahir Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu*, Yuh-Liang Liu and Chung-Sun Chung", "Crystal Structure of Isothiocyanato[N,N'-Bis(2-Aminoethyl)-l,3-Propanediamine]Copper(II) Thiocyanate", The 2nd R.O.C.-Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography ( Taipei ), P. 24, (1992).
15.  Jyh-Liong Lin, Tian-Huey Lu*, Kelun Shu and Chung-Sun Chung, "Structures of Copper(Il) and Nickel(II) Complexes of l,9-diamino-3,7-diazanonane", The 2nd R.O.C.-Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography ( Taipei ), P. 25, (1992).
16.  Tian-Huey Lu, Jyh-Liong Lin, Yuh-Liang Liu and Chung-Sun Chung, "Structure of Diisothiocyanato(4,7-Dimethyl-diazadecanediamide) Copper(II)", The 2nd R.O.C.-Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography (Taipei), P. 22, (1992).
17.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir Tahirov, Yuh-Liang Liou and Chung-Sun Chung, "Structure of Diperchlorato[2R,5S,9R,l2R-2,5,9,l2-tetraazatridecane] Copper (II)", American Crystal-lographic Association Annual Meeting, PB05 (1992).
18.  Tahir Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu*, Hung Luh and Chung-Sun Chung, "Structures of Cu(II) Complexes with Deprotonated Diazadioximes", American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting, PB04 (1992).
19.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir Tahirov, Wei-Jen Lan and Chung-Sun Chung, "Structure of Perchlorato(1,4,7,10,13-Pentaazapentadecane) Nickel(II) Perchloate", American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting, PB08 (1992).
20.  Yuh-Liang Liu, Tahir Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu* and Chung-Sun Chung, "Crystal Structure of 2, 5, 8, 11, 14-Pentaazapentadecane) Copper (II) Diperchlorate Monohydrate", International Symposium on Inorganic & Organic Chemistry in Taipei , 1-50 (1992).
21.  Tahir Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu*, Bor-Hann Chen and Chung-Sun Chung, "Crystal Structure of Chloro(l,4,7,ll,l4-Pentaazacycloheptadecane) Cobalt(III) Chloride Perchlorate".International Symposium on Inorganic & Organic Chemistry in Taipei , 1-51 (1992).
22.  Chung-Sun Chung, Tahir Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu* and Yuh-Liang Liu, "Crystal Structure of perchlorato(2,5,9,l3,16-Pentaazaheptadecane) Nickel(II) Perchlorate", International Symposium on Inorganic & Organic Chemistry in Taipei, 1-49 (1992).
23.  Y. -L. Hsieh, Tian-Huey Lu*, C. -J. Lee and B. C. Wang, "A Preliminary Report of the Structure of Pig Hemoglobin", Biophysics and Synchrotron Radiation, BSR92, A206, Japan . (1992).
24.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir Tahirov, Bor-Hann Chen and Chung-Sun Chung, "Crystal Structure of cis-Dichloro-(c-rac-5,l2-dimethyl-l,4,8,ll-tetraazacyclotetradecane)cobalt(III) Chloride", International Symposium on Inorganic & Organic Chemistry in Taipei, 1-63 (1992).
25.  Tian-Huey Lu, Yun-Long Hsieh, Peh Kan, Chau-Jen Lee, Chin-Rang Yang, Chwan-Deng Hsiao, Bi-Cheng Wang, Masami Kusunoki and Yukiteru Katsube," Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Studies of Pig Hemoglobin", The 1993 Annual Meeting of ROC Physical Society, Oral, E7, P.38, (1993), NSC81-0208-M007-110, NSC83-0208-M007-038.
26.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir H. Tahirov, Hung Luh and Chung-Sun Chung, "Structures of Cu(Il) Complexes with Deprotonated Oximes", Collected Abstracts of IUCr XVI in Beijing, Oral, MS- 07.02.07 (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
27.  Yen-Chywan Liaw, T. Tahirov, S.-C. Chu , Tian-Huey Lu and J.Y. Lin, "X-ray Structure Analysis of Abrin-a-A Ribosome-inactivating Protein from Seeds of Abrus Precatorius", Collected Abstracts of IUCr XVI in Beijing, PS- 03.05.28 (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
28.  Tahir H. Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu*, Yen-Chywan Liaw and Jung-Yaw Lin, "X-ray Structure Analysis of Abrin-a from the Seeds of Abrus Precatorius", Collected Abstracts of IUCr XVI in Beijing , PS- 03.11.04 (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
29.  Chung-Sun Chung, Kelun Shu, Tahir H. Tahirov and Tian-Huey Lu*, "Three Crystal Structures of Cu(II) Complexes of the Deprotonated Anion with the Ligands of Diazadiamides", Collected Abstracts of IUCr XVI in Beijing , PS- 07.04.23 (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
30.  Kelun Shu, Chung-Sun Chung, Tahir H. Tahirov and Tian-Huey Lu*, "Six Crystal Structures of Cu(II) and Ni(II) Perchlorates with the Ligands of Diamino Diazadecanes", Collected Abstracts of IUCr XVI in Beijing , PS- 07.04.24 (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
31.  Tahir H. Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu*, Bor-Hann Chen and Chung-Sun Chung, "The Crystal Structure of Two Complexes of Cobalt(I11) Tetraaza Macrocyclic Ligands", Collected Abstracts of IUCr XVI in Beijing, PS- 07.04.41 (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
32.  Jyh-Liong Lin, Tian-Huey Lu*, Wei-Jen Lan and Chung-Sun Chung, "The Influence of Temperature Factors on the Determination of New Crystal Structures", Collected Abstracts of IUCr XVI in Beijing, PS- 07.04.42 (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
33.  Tahir H. Tahirov, Tian-Huey Lu*, Wei-Jen Lan and Chung-Sun Chung, "The Influence of Ligand on the Structure of Copper (II) Complexes", Collected Abstracts of IUCr XVI in Beijing, PS- 07.04.43 (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
34.  Y. L. Hsieh, Tian-Huey Lu*, C. J. Lee, and B. C. Wang, "The initial phase of Pig Hemoglobin Determined by Molecular Replacement Method," 10th FAOB Symposium on Protein Research, Taipei , P.PII-1, (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
35.  Y.-C. Liaw, T. Tahirov, S. -C. Chu, T. -H. Lu* & J. Y. Lin, "X-ray Structure Analysis of Abrin-a---A Ribosome-Inactivating Protein from Seeds of Abrus Precatorius," FAOB protein symposium, Taipei , (1993) NSC83-0208-M007-038.
36.  Y.-C. Liaw, T. Tahirov, S. -C. Chu, T. -H. Lu* & J. Y. Lin, "X-ray Structure Analysis of Abrin-a----A Ribosome-Inactivating Protein from Seeds of Abrus Precatorius," First Sino -Swedish Joint Symposium on Molecular Biology, Taipei , (1993), NSC83-0208-M007-038.
37.  N. Srinivasan, Helen E. White, Stephen D. Rufino, Tian-Huey Lu, J. Emsley and Tom, L. Blundell. "The Serendipitous Similarity of Crystal Structures of Pentraxin, Legume Lectins, Animal and Bacterial Lectins, Comparison of Structural Features, Ligand Binding and Packing Arrangements". Collected Abstracts of Fifteenth European Crystallographic Meeting in Dresden, Germany, TH MT03 (II) P.477, (1994) NSC-83-0208-M007-038.
38.  Tian-Huey Lu, N. Srinivasan, Stephen D. Rufino and Thomas L. Blundell, "A super-family of animal, plant and bacterial lectins," The 1995 Annual Meeting of ROC Physical Society, P.172, P129. (1995), NSC83-0208-M007-038
39.  Chien-Ming Tsai, Tian-Huey Lu*, Yen-Chywan Liaw, Peh Kan and Chau-Jen Lee, "X-ray study of pig hemoglobin," The 1995 Annual Meeting of ROC Physical Society, P.142, P76, (1995), NSC84-2311-B007-015.
40.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir H. Tahirov, Yen-Chywan Liaw, Shu-Chen Chu and Jung-Yaw Lin. "Biophysical study of Abrin-a," The 1995 Annual Meeting of ROC Physical Society, Oral, P.94, Gc4, (1995), NSC84-2311-B007-015.
41.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir H. Tahirov, Kang-Chien Liu, Bi-Jane Shih and Ling-Yih Hsu. "The antineoplastic agent 2-chloro-methy1-1, 2, 4-triazolo [5,1-b][1,3]-benzothiazin-9-one, C10H6ClN3OS," Collected Abstracts of Sixteenth European Crystallographic Meeting in Lund, Sweden (1995) NSC84-2112-M007-019.
42.  Tian-Huey Lu, Chang-Shu Tsai and Si-Jung Yeh. "X-Ray Structure Determination of a Technetium (V) Complex of Meso-4 ,8-Diaza-3, 9-Dimethy1-6, 6-(Trimethylene) Undecane-2, 10-Dione Bis (oxime), [Tc O· (C14H25N4O2)]" Annual Meeting of American Crystallographic Association in Montreal, Canada, P.194, W194, (1995), NSC84-2112-M007-019.
43.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir H. Tahirov, Yen-Chywan Liaw, Yung-Liang Chen and Jung-Yaw Lin. "X-Ray Structure Determination of Abrin-a", 2nd Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association in Bangkok , Thailand , Oral, (1995) 3A 22, NSC85-2311-B007-019.
44.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir H. Tahirov, Yen-Chywan Liaw, Yung-Liang Chen and Jung-Yaw Lin. "X-ray Structure Determination of Abrin-a at 2.14Å". Fifth International Chemical Conference, Taipe. Taiwan , R.O.C. Oral, (1995), P24, NSC85-2311-B007-019.
45.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir H. Tahirov, Yen-Chywan Liaw, Yung-Liang Chen and Jung-Yaw Lin. "X-Ray Structure Determination of Abrin-a", 物理雙月刊十八卷一期,P.148, Nb5, Oral, (1996) NSC85-2311-B007-019.
46.  Tian-Huey Lu, Bor-Hann Chen and Jem-Mau Lo, "X-ray Structure of N, N'-propane-1, 3-dilylbis (salideneiminato) Copper (II) and Its Derivative", 物理雙月刊十八卷一期,P149, Nb6, Oral, (1996) NSC85-2112-M007-042.
47.  B. H. Chen, T. H. Lu*, W. T. Huang, H. H. Yao, J. M. Lo and C. S. Chung, "Crystal Structure of Transdiisothiocyanato (5,7,7,12,14,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclo-tetradeca-4,11-diene) cobalt (III) Thiocyanate," IUCr XVII, Congress and General Assembly, Seattle, USA, (1996) C-287, PS 07.00.10 , NSC86-2112-M007-028.
48.  C. H. Huang, T. H. Lu*, W. M. Lee and K. B. Shiu, "Synthesis and Structure of Di-m-Acetatobis [Dicarbonylpyrazole-ruthenium (I)] (Ru-Ru), IUCr XVII, Congress and General Assembly, Seattle , USA , (1996) C-305, PS 07.03.03 , NSC86-2112-M007-028.
49.  T. H. Lu, B. H. Chen, W. T. Huang, H. H. Yao and J. M. Lo, "Crystal Structure of Two Cu (II) Complexes with Tetradentate Schiff Base Ligands", IUCr XVII, Congress and General Assembly, Seattle, USA, (1996) C-290, PS 07.00.24 , NSC86-2112-M007-028.
50.  Tian-Huey Lu, Ya-Jiuan Chen, Soo-Ray Wang, Jeen-Kuan Chen and Jung-Yaw Lin," Crystallization of Human Liver Arginase and Mutant Abrin", The Fourth R.O. C-Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography, SRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nov., 11-12, P27, (1996) NSC86-2112-M007-028.
51.  Tian-Huey Lu, Shu-Fang Tung, Ta-Yung Chi, Chung-Sun Chung, Feng-Ling Liao and Yuan-Chang Chen. "Crystal Structures of Three Cu(II) Complexes with Quadridentate Ligand," The Fourth R.O. C-Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography, SRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nov., 11-12,  P28, (1996) NSC86-2112-M007-028.
52.  Tian-Huey Lu, Bor-Hann Chen, Jem-Mau Lo, Wen-Tao Huang and Hsueh-Hua Yao . " Crystal Structures of Three Cu(II) Complexes with Tetradentate Schiff Base Ligands," The Fourth R.O. C. - Japan Joint Seminar on Crystallography, SRRC, Hsinchu , Taiwan . Nov., 11-12,  P.29, (1996) NSC86-2112-M007-028.
53.  Tian-Huey Lu, Shu-Fang Tung, Ta-Yung Chi and Chung-Sun Chung, "The Formation of a Novel Hexadentate Macrocyclic Ligand." 85126~8化學年會論文摘要, P. 125, P-1-IN-50, (1996),  NSC86-2112-M007-028.
54.  Tian-Huey Lu, Tahir H. Tahirov, Yen-Chywan Liaw, Yung-Liang Chen and Jung-Yaw Lin. "X-ray Structure Determination of Abrin-aan Antitumor Protein." 85126~8化學年會論文摘要, 028, O-2-PH-01, (1996)  NSC86-2112-M007-028.
55.  Chein-Ming Tsai, Tian-Huey Lu*, Yen-Chy Wan Liaw, Peh Kan and Chau-Jen Lee. "X-ray Structure Determination of a Porcine Hemoglobin-----a Potential Blood for Human use". 86128-29, 中華民國物理學年會,口頭報告,物理雙月刊,十九卷一期,P.91,  Ea1, (1997) NSC85-2311-B007-019.
56.  Tian-Huey Lu, Ya-Jiuan Chen, Shu-Fang Tung, Ta-Yung Chi, Wei-Jen Lan & Chung-Sun Chung, “The Crystal Structure of Aqua (1, 4, 7, 11-tetraazacyclotetra-Decane) Copper (II) Diperchlorate”, (1997) ACA meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. (1997), NSC86-2112-M007-028.
57.  Tian-Huey Lu, Yen-Yee Liu, Shu-Fang Tung and Aswini Kumar Dash. “Molecular  Structure of {[(CO)6Fe2Se2]2[m-C(H)-C(R)]}(R=2-Th, 3-Th).”8725-6, 中華民國物理學年會,口報報告,物理雙月刊,二十卷一期,P120, Ed4, (1998), NSC87-2112-M007-009.
58.  K.Panneerselvam, T. -H Lu*, S. -F. Tung, T. -Y. Chi and C. -S. Chung, “Aqua (1, 5, 8, 12-tetraazatetramethylcyclo-decane-N, N‘, N’‘, N’‘’) zinc (II) Perchlorate Monohydrate”, 8725-6日,中華民國物理學年會,物理雙月刊,二十卷一期,P. 195, PE12, (1998) NSC87-2112-M007-009.
59.  Panneerselvam. K., Lu, T. -H*., Liaw, Y. -C., Tsai, C. -M., Kan , P. and Lee, C. -J., “ Crystal Structure Determination of Porcine Hemoglobin at 1.8A Resolution”. (1998), The Fourth Symposium on Recent Advances in Biophysics, Academia Sinica, Taipei , Taiwan , NSC87-2112-M007-009.
60.  Panneerselvam. K., Lu, T.-H*., Tung, S., -F., Jain, V.K. and Narayan, S. “Crystal and Molecular Structures of the two palladium(II) complexes”, (1998) ACA Meeting, Arlington , USA , NSC87-2112-M007-009.
61.  Panneerselvam. K. and Lu, T. -H*, “Structures of Nickel (II) and Copper (II) complexes with tetraaza ligands”, (1998) ECM-18, Praha , Czech Republic , NSC87-2112-M007-009.
62.  Panneerselvam. K. Lu, T. -H*, Tung, S. -F., Jain, V. K. and Narayan, S, “ Crystal Structures of a Monomeric Palladium (II) Complex”  (1998) AsCA’98, Bangi , Malaysia , NSC87-2112-M007-009.
63.    Lu, T.-H., Panneerselvam, K., Liaw, Y.-C., Tsai, C.-M. , Kan , P. and Lee C.-J. “Crystallographic Study of A Porcine Hemoglobin at 1.8 A Reslution-A Potential Artificial Human Blood.” (1998), As CA’98, Bangi , Malaysia . NSC87-2112-M007-009.
64.    Panneerselvam, K., Lin, S.-C., Liu, C.-L., Liaw, Y.-C., Lin, J.-Y. & Lu, T.-H*., “Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Study of Agglutinin From the Seed of Abrus Precatorius” (1999). The fifth symposium of the Biophysical Society of Taiwan (recent advances in biophysics), Taichung , Taiwan .  NSC88-2112-M007-013.
65.    Lu, T.-H., Panneerselvam, K., Aneetha, H, & Chung, C.-S. “Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Alkoyo- and Phenoxo- Bridged Dinculear Fe (III) complexes” (1999). IUCr 1999 meeting, P 07.07.004 , Glasgow , Scotland . NSC88-2112-M007-013.
66.    Panneerselvam, K., Lu, T.-H*., Aneetha, H. & Chung, C.-S. “Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Cu(II) Complexes of Di-N-Cyanoethylated Tetraaza-macrocycle” (1999). IUCr 1999 meeting, P 07.07.006 , Glasgow , Scotland . NSC88-2112-M007-013.
67.    Panneerselvam, K., Lu, T.-H*., Liao, F.-L. Chi, T.-Y. & Chung, C.-S. “Crystal and Molecular Structure of Two Nickel (II) Complexes with Tetraaza Ligand”. (1999). ACA meeting, New York , USA . NSC88-2112-M007-013.
68.    Panneerselvam, K., Lu, Tian-Huey*, Lin, Shih-Chi., Aneetha, H., & Chung, Chung-Sun. “Synthesis and Structural Study of Cu (II) Complexes of C-meso-1,5,8,12-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane”. (2000). Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of the R.O.C. 89年1月31日 - 2月1日 , 中華民國物理年會,物理雙月刊廿二卷一期,P105, Gb4. NSC89-2112-M007-043.
69.    Lu, Tian-Huey., Liao, Fen-Ling., & Sinha, Chittaranjan. “X-ray Crystal Structures of Two Metal (II) Coordination Compounds” (2000). Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of the R.O.C. 89131- 2月1日,中華民國物理年會,物理雙月刊廿二卷一期,P181, NP12. NSC89-2112-M007-043.
70.    Tian-Huey Lu, Kaliyamoorthy Panneerselvam, Yen-Chywan Liaw, Pei-Ka, and Chau-Jen Lee. “Crystal Structure Determination of Porcine Hemoglobin’ (2000). The Sixth Symposium on Recent Advances in Biophysics. P30, Oral presentation. NSC89-2314-B-007-001.
71.    Chin-Sun Huang, Tian-Huey Lu*, Fen-Ling Liao, and Chung-Sun Chung “Crystal Structure of the Dihydroperchlorato C-meso-(5,6,12,13-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraaza-cyclotradodeca-4,11-diene (5,6,12,13-Me4[14]-4,11-dieneN4×2HCO4)”,(2000), 3rd World-wide Symposium on Inorganic Chemistry for Chinese Scientists (WSICS-3). NSC89-2112-M007-083.
72.    Yung-Jan Lin, Fen-Ling Liao, Tian-Huey Lu*, Li-Hsuan Chen and Chung-Sun Chung “Crystal Structure of (2, 2’ -Bipyridine-N,N’)(1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N’,N,’’N’’’)nickel(II) diperchlorate”,(2000) 3rd World-wide Symposium on Inorganic Chemistry for Chinese Scientists (WSICS-3). NSC89-2112-M007-083.
73.    Jack Cheng, Tian-Huey Lu*, Fen-Ling Liao, N. Ray Chaudhuri, “Crystal Structure of an oxalate bridging Cu(II) complex”,(2000) The 8th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, August 7-10,2000, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, APPC. NSC89-2112-M007-083.
74.    Wen-Jyh Sheen, Tian-Huey Lu*, Fen-Ling Liao, N. Ray Chaudhuri, “Crystal Structure of a Nickel Complex” The 8th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, August 7-10,2000, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, APPC. NSC89-2112-M007-083.
75.    Tian-Huey Lu, Kaliyamoortby Panneerselvam, Fen-Ling Liao, Prithwiraj Byabartta, Sanjib Pal and Chittaranjan Sinha, “Syntheses and Structural Study of Two Osmoium (II) Com-plexes of Azoimidazoles.” American Crystallographic Association Golden Anniversary Meeting, 1950-2000, July 22-27, 2000, St. Paul , Minnesota , NSC89-2112-M007-083.
76.    Tian-Huey Lu, Golam Mostafa, Yen-Chywan Liaw & Jung-Yaw Lin, ”X-ray Structure Analysis of the Arbrus Precatorius Agglutinin”, (2001) Biophysical Society in Boston, USA.. NSC89-2320-B-007-011.
77.    Tian-Huey Lu, G. Mostafa, B.K. Ghosh, C.R.Sinha and N.Ray Chaudhuri “ Crystal structure of some bridging dimeric and polymeric metal complexes” (2001), 中華民國物理年會,物理雙月刊廿三卷一期,P. 114, Oral presentation, NSC89-2112-M007-083.
78.    Golam Mostafa, Tian-Huey Lu*, and C.R.Sinha “Crystal structures of some supramolecular imidazole complexes” (2001),  中華民國物理年會,物理雙月刊廿三卷一期,P115.  NSC89-2112-M007-083.
79.    Jack Cheng, Fen-Ling Liao, B.K. Ghosh, S.K. Chandra and Tian-Huey Lu*, “Crystal Structures of Two Cd(II) Coordination Complexes” (2001),  中華民國物理年會,物理雙月刊廿三卷一期,P225.  NSC89-2112-M007-083.
80.    Jack Cheng, Po-Ching Lin, Fen-Ling Liao, B.K. Ghosh, S,K. Chandra and Tian-Huey Lu*, “Crystal structures of Cd(II) and Cu(II) Coordination complexes” (2001),  中華民國物理年會,物理雙月刊廿三卷一期,P260.  NSC89-2112-M007-083.
81. Jian Cheng Liou, Jack Cheng, T. K. Mirsa, C. -S. Chung, Fen-Ling Liao and Tian-Huey Lu*, “Crystal Structures of Two Ni (II) Coordination complexes” (2001), 中華民國物理年會,物理雙月刊廿三卷一期,P261, NSC89-2112-M007-083.
82. Golam Mostafa, Tian-Huey Lu, Tapas Kr. Maji, N. RayChaudhuri. “Syntheses, Crystal Structures and low Temperature Magnetic Study of two Metal-Organic Coordination 3d Frameworks Based on Mixed n-and o-Donor Ligands” AsCA’01, Bangalore, India,  (2001), NSC90-2112-M007-063.
83. Tian-Huey Lu, Golam Mostafa, Tapas Kr. Maji, Saugata Sain, Nirmalendu Ray Chaudhuri. “Novel Coordination and Supramolecular Polymeric Networks of Cadmium Using Selenocyanate as a Building Block”(2001), AsCA’01, Oral presentation, Bangalore , India ,  NSC90-2112-M007-063.
84.  Jack Cheng, Fen-Ling Liao, C.R. Sinha, Tian-Huey Lu, “X-ray Crystal Structure of One Dimensional Chain of Mercury Azide Complex”, 901228~30日,化學年會論文摘要, P-3-IN-007, (2001), NSC90-2112-M007-063.

(To be continued)


Publication list of Tian-Huey Lu
盧天惠   2008/02/10

A. Refereed Papers: (Part II)
151.B. G. Chand, U. S. Ray, J. Cheng, T.–H. Lu, & C. R. Sinha, “Studies on the zinc(II)-azoimine system. Single-crystal X-ray structure of Zn (MeaaiMe)Cl2.H2O and Zn(HaaiMe)2(NCS)2(MeaaiMe = 1-methyl-2-(p-tolyazo)imidazole, HaaiMe = 1-methyl-2-(phenylazo) imidazole)” . Polyhedron, 22 (2003) 1213-1219, SCI. NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
152.Y.-C. Lin, T. –H. Lu*, F. -L. Liao, & C. -S. Chung, “Crystal Structure of (2 2’ -Bipyridine-N, N’) (2, 2’ , 2’ ’-Triaminotriethylamine-N, N’, N’’, N’’’) nickel Di-perchlorate”, Analytical Sciences, 19 (2003) 641-642, SCI, NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
153.U. S. Ray, G. Mostafa, T. -H. Lu and C. Sinha, “Hydrogen bonded perrhenate-azoimidazoles”, Crystal Engineering 5, (2002) 95-104, NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
154.J. Dinda, K. Bag, C. Sinha, G. Mostafa & T. -H. Lu, “Naphthylazoimidazole and mercury (II) complexes, Single crystal X-ray structure of 1-etyl-2-(naphthyl--a-azo)imidazolium hexafluoro-phosphate”, Polyhedron 22 (2003) 1367-1376SCI, NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
155.Yung-Chan Lin, Jian-Cheng Liou, Tian-Huey Lu*, Fen-Ling Liao and Chung-Sun Chung, “5, 10, 15, 20-Tetrakis[(2-ethylcarbonyl)oxy]phenylporphyrin”, Acta Cryst., (2003), E59, 0969-0971, ISSN 1600-5369, NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
156.Kanidtha Hansongner, Uraiwan Saeteaw, Golam Mostafa, Fen-Ling Liao and Tian-Huey Lu*, “Crystal Structure of Bromo(2, 2’ : 6’ , 2” -terpyridine)(2-phenylazo)pyridine) ruthenium(II) Tetrafluoroborate’ Analytical Sciences, (2003), 19, 971-972, SCI, NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
157.S. Maity, R. Roy, C. Sinha*, W. -J. Sheen, K. Panneerselvam and T. -H. Lu, "Dimeric cyclopalladated azobenzenes: Structural differences between 2-hydroxypyridine and 2-mercaptopyridine bridged complexes”. J. Organomet. Chem., (2002) 650, 202 – 209SCI, NSC 91-2112-M-007-055, IP = 3.280.
158.Byabartta, S. Pal, C. Sinha*, F. -L. Liao, K. Panneerselvam, and T. -H. Lu, "Synthesis, spectral and electrochemical studies of isomeric dichloro-bis-[N(1)-alkyl-2-(arylazo)imidazole]osmium(II).  Single crystal X-ray structure of blue-violet dichloro-bis-[N(1)-methyl-2-(arylazo)imidazole]osmium(II)" J. Coord. Chem. (2002), 55(5), 479-495. SCI, NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
159. S. Sain, T. K. Maji, G. Mostafa, T. -H. Lu and N. Ray Chaudhuri, “Two new supramolecular malonato complexes of manganese (II): Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic property”, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2003, 351, 12-20, NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
160.Yung-Chan Lin, Tian-Huey Lu*, Chung-Sun Chung "Crystal Structure of (1,10-Phenanthroline-N,N') (1, 4, 7, 10-tetra-azacyclododecane -N, N', N'', N''')nickel(II) Diperchlorate" Analytical Sciences, Analytical Sciences, 2003, Vol. 19, No. 6, 967-968. SCI, NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
161.U.Ray, B. Chand, G. Mostafa, Jack Cheng, T.-H. Lu and C. Sinha, “Mono- and binuclear cobalt (II)-azido complexes of arylazoimidazole,” Polyhedron, 22, (2003) 2587-2594, SCI, NSC 92-2112-M-007-046.
162.Kanidtha Hansongnern, Sansanee Tempiam, Jiang-Cheng Liou, Fen-Ling Liao and Tian-Huey Lu*, Crystal structure of 2-(4'-N,N-Diethylaminophenylazo)pyrimidine,  Analytical Sciences, X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, x13.. NSC 92-2112-M-007-046.
163.S. Sain, T.K.Maji, G. Mostafa, T. -H. Lu  &  N. Ray Chaudhuri, “Three new  thiocyanato bridged complexes  of cadmium(II) : synhesis , X-ray crystal structures and thermal properties”.J. Coord. Chem., 2003, 1157-1168, SCI. NSC 91-2112-M-007-055.
164.Joydev Dinda, Umasankar Ray, Golam Mostafa, Tian-Huey Lu, Anwar Usman, Ibrahim Abdul Razak, Suchada Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun, Chittaranjan Sinha, ‘Copper(I)/azoimidazoles: a comparative account on the structure and electronic properties of copper(I) complexes of 1-methyl-2-(phenylazo)imidazole and 1-alkyl-2-(naphthyl-(a/b)-azo)imidazoles’,  Polyhedron 22 (2003) 247-255 249, SCI.
165.Jem-Mau Lo, Golam Mostafa, Ling-Yin Chang, Fen-Ling Liao and Tian-Huey Lu,”3,3, 10, 10-Tetramethyl-1,2-dithia-5, 8-diazacyclodeca-4,8-diene”, Acta Cryst. (2004), C60, 276-277, SCI, NSC 92-2112-M-007-046.
166.A. K. Ghosh, D. Ghoshal, T. H. Lu, G. Mostafa and N. Ray Chaudhuri. “Novel Solid-State Molecular Self-Assemblies of Manganese (II) Constructed with Flexible Ligands: Influences of д-д and C-H…д Interactions on their Crystal Packing.” Crystal Growth & Design (2004), Vol.4, No. 4, 851-857. SCI, NSC 92-2112-M-007-046.
167.Brojogopal Chand, Umasankar Ray, Golam Mostafa, Tian-Huey Lu, & Chittaranjan Sinha, ‘2D Extended supramolecular structures via pi-pi interactions of 1D coordination polymers of cadmium(II) complexes of arylazoimidazole using azido and thiocynanato bridging ligands.’ Polyhedron (2004) 23, 1669-1676. SCI, NSC 92-2112-M-007-046.
168.Jem-Mau Lo, Shyh-Ming Chen, Mei-Hsun Chen, Yu-Jen Chen Fen-Ling Liao and Tian-Huey Lu*, 3-(4-dihyroxyborylphenyl)cyclobutanone, Acta Cryst. (2004), E60, 01851-01853, SCI,VGHUST 93-G2-02.
169. Debajyoti Ghoshal, Golam Mostafa, Tapas Kumar Maji, Ennio Zangrando, Tian-Huey Lu, Joan Ribas, and Nirmalendu Ray Chaudhuri, “Synthethesis, crystal structure and magnetic behavior of three polynuclear complexes: ‘[Co(pyo)2(dca)2]n, [Co3(ac)4(bpe)3(dca)2]n and [{Co(male)(H2O)2}(H2O)]n, [pyo, pyridine-N-oxide; dca, dicyanamide; ac, acetate; bpe, 1,2-bis-(4-pyridyl)ethane and male, maleate]’, New J. Chem., (2004)., 28, 1204-1213. SCI, NSC 92-2112-M-007-046.
170.Yao-Lun Chen, Chittaranjan Sinha, I-Chia Chen, Kuan-Lin Liu, Yun Chi, Jen-Kan Yu, Pi-Ta Chou and Tian-Huey Lu,”Synthesis and characterization of luminescent osmium(II) carbonyl complexes based on chelating dibenzoylmethanate and halide ligands”, CHEM. COMMUN., (2003), 3046–3047, SCI, NSC 92-2112-M-007-046, IP = 3.902.
171.B.G. Chand, U.S. Ray, G. Mostafa, Tian-Huey Lu, Lawrence R. Falvello, Tatiana Soler, Milagres Tom, and C. Sinha, ‘Anion-directed structural diversity in the complexes of Cd(II)-arylazoimidazole: synthesis, spectral characterization and crystal structure’, Polyhedron 22 (2003) 3161–3169, SCI.
172.Pulak K. Dhara , Sadhan Pramanik , Tian-Huey Lu , Mike.G.B. Drew, Pabitra Chattopadhyay, “Copper(II) complexes of new tetradentate NSNO pyridylthio- azophenol ligands: synthesis, spectral characterization and crystal structure”, Polyhedron, 23 (2004) 2457-2464, SCI, NSC 92-2112-M-007-046.
173.Yung-Chan Lin,* Tarun Kumar Misra, Tian-Huey Lu, Maddirala Shambabu Joseph, and Chung-Sun Chung* , “Reassignment, Isolation, Spectral and X-ray Characterization of Diastereoisomers of the Macrocyclic Ligand 3,10-meso-3,5,7,7,10,12,14,14-Octamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane and Their Ni(II) and Cu(II) Complexes” Europe Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2004 ISI Impact Factor 2.336) 2006. 994-1005. SCI.
175.Sk. Jasimuddin, P. Byabartta, G. Mostafa, T.-H. Lu, C. Sinha, ‘Synthesis, spectral studies, crystal structure and redox properties of homoleptic tris-chelated ruthenium(II)-arylazoimidazoles’,  Polyhedron 23 (2004) 727–733, SCI.
176.Debajyoti Ghoshal, Tapas Kumar Maji, Talal Mallah, Tian-Huey Lu, Golam Mostafa, N. Ray Chaudhuri, “Synthesis of a metal-dicarboxylate hybrid with three dimensional Na-O-Cu connectivity: structure, magnetic property and controlled solid state thermolysis leading to CuO nanorod”, Inorganica Chimica Acta 358 (2005) 1027-1033. SCI.
177.Yung-Chan Lin, Tian-Huey Lu, Chang-Yao Li, Fen-Ling Liao, and Chung-Sun Chung, “(1,2-Diamino-2,2-dimethylpropane -N,N')(2,2',2''-Triaminotriethylamino N,N',N'',N''') nickel(II) Diperchlorate”, Acta Cryst. (2005). E61, m1398---m1400. SCI.
178.Yung-Chan Lin, Tian-Huey Lu, Chang-Yao Li, Fen-Ling Liao, and Chung-Sun Chung, “(1,3-Diaminopropane-& kappa;^{2}N,N')[tris(2-aminoethyl)amine-κ {4}N,N', N'',N''']nickel(II) bis(perchlorate)”, Acta Cryst. (2005). E61, m1757---m1759. SCI.
179.T. Mathur , U.S. Ray , J.-C. Liou , J.S. Wu , T.-H. Lu , C. Sinha , “Manganese(II) complexes of pyridyl-azo-imidazoles. Single crystal X-ray structures of 30-PyaiH and [Mn(30- PyaiEt)4](ClO4)2 (30-PyaiH = 2-(30-pyridylazo)imidazole; 30-PyaiEt = 1-ethyl-2-(30-pyridylazo)imidazole)”, Polyhedron 24 (2005) 739746. SCI.
180.Umasankar Ray, Debasis Banerjee, Brojo Gopal Chand, Jack Cheng, Tian-Huey Lu and Chittaranjan Sinha, ‘M-NCO (M=Mn, Zn) complexes of 1-alkyl-2-(arylazo)imidazole: crystal structures of [Mn(MeaaiEt)2(NCO)2] and [Zn(HaaiMe)2(NCO)2] [HaaiMe=1 methyl-2-(phenylazo)imidazole and MeaaiEt=1-ethyl-2-(P-tolylazo)imidazole]’, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 58:13, (2005) 1105 – 1113, SCI.
181.Senapoti, Sk. Jasimuddin, G. Mostafa, T.-H. Lu, C. Sinha, “Coupling of arylamine with      coordinated arylazopyrimidine in platinum(II) complexes. Single crystal X-ray structure, spectra and electrochemistry”, Polyhedron, 25, (2006) 1571-1578. SCI.
182. Debasis Banerjee, Umasankar Ray, Sk. Jasimuddin, Jian-Cheng. Liou, Tian-Huey Lu, Chittaranjan Sinha, “Copper(II) complexes of thioether containing an azoimidazolylsystem. X-ray structure of Cu(SEtaaiNEt)Cl2(SEtaaiNEt = 1-ethyl-2-{(o-thioethyl)phenylazo}imidazole)”, Polyhedron, 25 (2006),1299-1306. SCI.
183.         Umasankar Ray, Debasis Banerjee, Suchada Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun, Jyun-Nan Lin, Tian-Huey Lu, Chittaranjan Sinha, ‘Cobalt(II)–azoimidazole complexes: Structures of [Co(MeaaiMe)4](ClO4) 2 A H2O and [Co(HaaiMe)2(NCS)2] (MeaaiMe = 1-methyl-2-(p-tolylazo)imidazole; HaaiMe = 1-methyl-2-(phenylazo)imidazole)’, Polyhedron 24 (2005) 1071–1078, SCI.
184.Umasankar Ray, Debasis Banerjee, Jian-Cheng Liou, Chun-Nan Lin, Tian-Huey Lu, Chittaranjan Sinha, ‘Iron(II) and nickel(II)-thiocyanato complexes of 1-alkyl-2-(arylazo)imidazole: single crystal X-ray structure of [Fe(MeaaiEt)2(NCS)2] (MeaaiEt = 1-ethyl-2(p-tolylazo)imidazole) and [Ni(MeaaiMe)(NCS)2(H2O)2] A 2DMF (MeaaiMe = 1-methyl-2(p-tolylazo)imidazole)’,  Inorganica Chimica Acta 358 (2005) 1019–1026, SCI.
185.T. Mathur , J. Dinda , P. Datta , G. Mostafa , T.-H. Lu , C. Sinha , “Ru(0)-azoimine-carbonyl and Ru(II)-pyridyl-azo-imidazole complexes”, Polyhedron 25 (2006) 2503–2512. SCI.
186.Umasankar Ray , Kamal Krishna Sarker , Golam Mostafa , Tian-Huey Lu , M. Salah El Fallah ,*, Chittaranjan Sinha, “Copper(II) azide complexes of 1-alkyl-2-(arylazo) imidazoles: Structure and magnetism”, Polyhedron 25 (2006) 2764–2772. SCI.
187.K.K. Sarker, A.D. Jana, G. Mostafa, J.-S. Wu, T.-H. Lu, C. Sinha, “Iodo bridged lead(II) compounds of azoimidazoles: Single crystal X-ray structures of [di-iodo-{1-methyl-2-(p-tolylazo)imidazole}lead(II)]n and {1-methyl-3-benzyl-2-(p-tolylazo)imidazolium}m- {tri-iodoplumbate(II)}m”, Inorganica Chimica Acta 359 (2006) 4377–4385, SCI.
188.D. Banerjee , U.S. Ray, J.-S. Wu, T.-H. Lu, C. Sinha, ‘Naphthylazoimidazole complexes of cobalt(II): Synthesis structure and electrochemistry’, Polyhedron 25 (2006) 3077–3083, SCI.
189.Prasenjit Bhunia, Bhulendranath Baruri, Umasankar Ray,  Chittaranjan Sinha, Sunirban Das, Jack Cheng and Tian-Huey Lu, ‘Azoimidazole complexes of manganese(II)-thiocyanate. X-ray structures of 2-(p-tolylazo)imidazole and bis-[1-methyl-2-(p-tolylazo)imidazole]- di-thiocyanato-manganese(II)’, Transition Metal Chemistry (2006) 31:310–315, SCI.
190. Jem-Mau Lo, Mei-Hsun Chen, Jack Cheng, Chun-Yu Chen and Tian-Huey Lu, ‘3-(4-Bromophenyl)cyclobutanone’, Acta Cryst. (2007). E63, o656–o657, SCI.
191.Sk Hafijur Rahaman, Rajarshi Ghosh, Tian-Huey Lu, Barindra K. Ghosh, ‘Chelating N,N0-(bis(pyridin-2-yl)alkylidene)propane-1,3-diamine pseudohalide copper(II) and cadmium(II) coordination compounds: Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of  [M(bpap)(X)]ClO4 and [M(bpap)(X)2] [M=Cu, Cd; X . N3, NCS]’, Polyhedron 24 (2005) 1525–1532, SCI.
192. Rajarshi Ghosh , Sk Hafijur Rahaman,*, Chun-Nan Lin, Tian-Huey Lu, Barindra K. Ghosh, ‘Coordination behaviour of symmetrical hexadentate N-donor Schiff bases towards zinc(II)pseudohalides: Syntheses, crystal structures and luminescence’, Polyhedron 25 (2006) 3104–3112, SCI.
193.TARUN KUMAR MISRA, JACK CHENG, FEN-LING LIAO, TIAN-HUEY LU and CHUNG-SUN CHUNG, ‘Hydrogen bonded networks based on Ni(II)-tetraazamacrocycle (tet-b) complexes: synthesis, isolation and structural characterization of α-[Ni(tet-b)(Cl)](ClO4) and α-[Ni(tet-b)(en)](ClO4)2', Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Vol. 60, No. 17, September 2007, 1855–1866, SCI.
194. Kanidtha Hansongnern, Uraiwan Changsaluk, Jian-Sung Wu and Tian-Huey Lu, ‘Crystal Structure of the [Ru(azpy)2(bpy)](PF6)2 Complex (azpy = 2-(phenylazo)pyridine, bpy = 2, 2’ -bipyridine)’, Analytical Sciences, Vol. 23, (2007), x131-x132, SCI.
195. K. K. Sarker,. B. G. Chand,. K. Suwa,. J. Cheng, T.-H. Lu, J. Otsuki,. and C. Sinha, “Structural Studies and Photochromism of Mercury(II)-Iodo Complexes of (Arylazo) imidazoles”,  Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 670-680,  SCI.
196. M.K. Paira, J. Dinda, T.-H. Lu, A.R. Paital, C. Sinha, “Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes of 8-aminoquinoline. Structure, spectra and photoluminescence property”, Polyhedron 26 (2007) 4131–4140, SCI.

C. Book/others:

1.   盧天惠.進修雜記,清華校友通訊,新八十三期,民國七十二年四月二十九日,108-112.(1983)
2.    Tian-Huey Lu*, Tseng-Fong Liu and Chi-Meen Wan, "X-ray structure determination of Fe9Mn6Al5 precipitate in a Fe-Mn-Al-Cr Alloy," Proceeding of the International Workshop, Baton Rouge, USA, Oral, 233-241 (1987).
3.    盧天惠.赴日進修博士學位,清華校友通訊,新一零一期,民國七十九年元月三十一日,67-68.
4.    Lu, T.-H* and Panneerselvam. K. “Structural Statistics for the Nickel(II) and Copper(II) Complexes with Tetraaza Ligands”. (1999). Proc. of 18th European Crystallogrophy Meeting, Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology, Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association Vol. 6, No.2, 169-178, NSC87-2112-M007-009.
5.     Lu, T.-H*, Panneerselvam, K., Liaw, Y. C., Kan , P. & Lee, C. -J.” X-ray structure of a porcine hemoglobin at 1.8 A resolution-A Potential Artificial Human Blood.” (1998) Crystallography, Oral presentation, Osaka , The 5th Japan-R.O.C. Joint Seminar.
6.     盧天惠*”蛋白質單晶結構談生物物理,物理雙月刊(2000)廿二卷三期P.307-312.
7.     盧天惠*X光繞射決定單晶結構,國科會生命科學簡訊,Life Science News Letter, NSC. 14 卷第7( 2000/07/10 ).
8.     盧天惠* “X光繞射與應用專書一冊,滄海書局出版,(2002), ISBN 957-2079-87-5.
9.     Chenjie Yuan and Tian-Huey Lu, “Crystal Structure Determination of a Zinc Coordination Complex”,  復旦大學莙政學者論文集 (2002), 26-36.
10.  Golam Mostafa(6625),Jack Cheng(6626), Tian-Huey Lu(6590)*,X-ray Crystallographic Study of Agglutinin, Arginase and Cardiotoxin I-IV, Spring-8 User Experiment Report No.7 ( 2001A )P.179, 2003NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
11.  Golam Mostafa(6625), Jack Cheng(6626), Jian-Cheng Liou(7959), Tian-Huey Lu(6590)*, ”X-ray Crystallographic Study of Agglutinin, and Cardiotoxin III”, Spring-8, User Experiment Report, No. 10 (2002B), P232, (2003), NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
12.    Tian-Huey Lu*(盧天惠) , Golam Mostafa , Jack Cheng.X-ray Crystallographic Study of A New Form of Agglutinin, Synchrotron Radiation Research Center Activity Report 2001/2002P.II-69,2003, NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
13.  Golam Mostafa(6625), Jack Cheng(6626), Tian-Huey Lu(6590)*, X-ray Crystallographic Study of Agglutinin and Cardiotoxin III, Spring-8 User Experiment Report No.9 ( 2002A )P191 2003NSC91-2112-M-007-055.
14.   Tian-Huey Lu, Jack Cheng, Jian-Cheng Liou and Shin-Yu Tsai, X-ray Crystallographic Study of Cardiotoxin III, Spring-8 User Experiment Report No.11 ( 2003A )P275 NSC92-2112-M-007-046.
15.  Jack Cheng, Jyun-Nan Lin, Jian-Sung Wu, and Tian-Huey Lu.X-ray Diffraction of Agglutinin and Cardiotoxin III, Spring-8 User Experiment Report, July 2004, No.12 (2003B)P248 NSC92-2112-M-007-046.
16.   盧天惠, ‘我對物理學的一些體驗--從普通物理學談起”, 清華物理系刊 No. 28 (2004).
17.   黃勝良、吳秀錦、李琳、賴忠信、古煥球、李宗仁、呂助增、周亞謙、施宙聰、陳信雄、黃幸美、葉淑卿、盧天惠,普通物理實驗課本,國立清華大學出版社,(2004)
18.  盧天惠,影響一生的雄中六年’,百年樹人----王家驥校長百齡嵩壽文集,(2005), P343-350.
(To be continued)